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Messages - Polyphony

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Projects and Discussion / Re: Enhanced Text editors
« on: November 05, 2015, 05:00:33 AM »
I can appreciate the level of control you can get with many of the vim plugins, even if it's kind of a pain to weed through the syntax of vim-script sometimes.  I don't use vim as my main editor, but I'm afraid I'll slowly get tired of the bloat of other editors and eventually convert  ;D .  At least I'm not converting to emacs LISP amirite?

My main "IDE" is Geany.  Supports custom ctags (they even have a shit-ton of different ones in a repo somewhere I'm pretty sure, for things like GTK/glib functions), the shiny compile/build/make/execute buttons, and a good selection of plugins. (built-in lisp/prolog highlighting and indentation as well :D)


Fucking seriously?

I feel like he was asking what ebooks on "hacking" are worth reading, not where to find a huge list of ebooks, or a comprehensive guide to searching for them.  Plenty of books you find will try to be too generic or entry-level imo.  For instance, I've read some books with a title like "advanced low level exploitation" or something, and then you turn to chapter 1 and they're explaining what assembler is... At that point I am almost positive the book is going to be a waste of time.  It may not be, but more often than not, its outdated and/or too much "intro". 

We've discussed this in IRC a few times and some very knowledgeable people have chimed in.  OP should also note that it depends on what you're trying to read about.  If you're wanting to learn about windows internals, then the classic "Windows Internals 6th Edition" is good to at least have around, even if it's not the easiest to read front-to-back (who would've known...)  If you're doing a wargame or something and you need to exploit a format string vuln or something similarly specific, google around some of the well-known hacking zines.  Phrack comes to mind when it comes to low level shit. 

Once you get to a point where you're tired of the basics, try and focus in on something like buffer overflows, and look up ways to defeat certain modern-day protections, imo you won't find these in a book because of how specific it is to the software/situation, you'll find more info through articles and writeups you can find online.  Idk, maybe I'm full of shit and this adderall is just getting to me, but I've gone pretty far off-topic but the tl;dr is sometimes the best learning materials aren't in the form of books, because a lot of them kind of suck.

I ran this fine on Xubuntu 15.04 with python-ptrace installed from the repos.

Code: (python) [Select]
#! /usr/bin/env python
from ptrace.debugger.debugger import PtraceDebugger
from ptrace.debugger.process import PtraceProcess
import sys

def ptrace(start, end, process):
    return process.readBytes(start, (end-start))

def dump(process):
    mapfile = open('/proc/{}/maps'.format(, 'r')
    start = 0
    end = 0
    # because regex is hard...
    for line in mapfile:
        line = line.split(' ')
        # don't try to poke the uninitialized and unreadable memory ya dingus
        # I'm actually not sure if this is important or not, I guess in some cases
        # you may want uninitialized memory?  idk
        if 'r' not in line[1] or int(line[4]) == 0:
            line = line[0].split('-')
            start = long(line[0], 16)
            end = long(line[1], 16)
            print(ptrace(start, end, process))

def main(args):
    if len(args) < 2:
        print('usage: {} [pid]'.format(args[0]))
        return -1
    pid = int(args[1])
    dbg = PtraceDebugger()
    process = dbg.addProcess(pid, False)
    return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':

General discussion / Re: New here.Where to start (first steps)
« on: June 24, 2015, 10:27:56 PM »
Well I'm glad you caught the hint that we won't guide you through and post unique and individualized replies for every repost of the same beginner question. If you have a question on something specific or unique my reply would have been different. But instead its a question that gets asked over and over. Just read the stickies and you'll do fine.

General discussion / Re: New here.Where to start (first steps)
« on: June 24, 2015, 05:25:29 PM »
hey OP:

If you have a question related to hacking and security, maybe try the "hacking and security" board.

Scripting Languages / Re: [Python] fun with scapy: CDP flooder
« on: June 09, 2015, 06:53:55 AM »

Lol seriously though, seems these packet crafting posts are pretty popular (techb/rba u da reel mvps), maybe once alpha is live someone can copy and paste them all in their own board?  Like a network-hacking-script-snippets-sub-board-thing  or something? ;)

C - C++ / Re: HTTP Injector for Windows
« on: June 09, 2015, 06:29:56 AM »
Yeah, i would agree with x0nic.  Hopefully nobody here is going to buy that shit.  Why don't you make a post, for the ones that are interested and can't figure it out themselves, on explaining how it works with the design and  basic functionality that you've implemented so far?  ;)

C - C++ / Re: Concatenate file (single byte xor)
« on: June 03, 2015, 06:37:35 AM »
Well, as much as I hate to admit it ;) , you're correct about sizeof(char), it's definitely equal to one according to the standard.*  I see what you mean about the chkret macro now, not freeing what it should, good catch.

*I took some time to do a little more research into the subject and even if a "char" is 32 bits, sizeof(char) will always return 1.  You can also find the number of bits contained in a char by looking at CHAR_BITS in <limits.h>. Source: (ctrl+f) for section

C - C++ / Re: Concatenate file (single byte xor)
« on: June 01, 2015, 09:46:57 AM »
I'm 100% sure xor is not an operator keyword in C.  (maybe in c++?).  Also, macros don't honor types, that's why I'm checking whether or not it's in between 0 and 255, even if I only pass an unsigned char through it.  Also, sizeof(char) is technically architecture-dependent; however, I do think stylistically using
Code: [Select]
malloc(sizeof(type)*count) both looks better and is easier to read.  The variable "fn" on line 21 doesn't go unused, I set it to equal argv[1].  Finally, chkret isn't supposed to free any memory, the only thing it's supposed to do is check the return values!  Lol, all allocated memory gets freed at the end of main.

I don't know why I went through and explained all of this, but don't think I don't welcome constructive criticism like this.  In fact, I quite like explaining some of the design decisions I made.  Especially with semi-old code such as this.

Scripting Languages / Re: [DUCKY] DeepCopy Ducky Stealer v1.0 (WIP)
« on: May 30, 2015, 08:23:13 PM »
Um, nexus 5 owner here, this is totally new information to me lol. Thanks for sharing m8 +1

C - C++ / Re: Concatenate file (single byte xor)
« on: May 30, 2015, 07:20:47 PM »
Yeah, I kind of feel bad that it didn't get it to the next level, but maybe I'll give it another shot. I hadn't posted anything in a long time so I figured I would post some new code of mine. :)

C - C++ / Concatenate file (single byte xor)
« on: May 30, 2015, 05:44:24 AM »
So this is actually a pretty old project of mine, I wrote it on a whim and liked the way it turned out.  I'm a big fan of chaining simple programs together (or I'm using that as my excuse  ;) ) to accomplish a more complex task.  I was also inspired to post this from ca0s' crypter post which as far as I know, also impliments a simple xor 'encryption'.  Anyways, here's the code circa early April 2015.

Code: (C) [Select]
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

#define KEY 0x2e
#define xor(x) ((((x) >= 0) && ((x) <= 255)) ? ((x) ^= KEY) : ((x) = 0))
#define chkret(func, var) \
        if (!(var)) { \
            fprintf(stderr, func " has failed.\n"); \
            return -1; \

unsigned char *bptr;

size_t fsize(const char *fn);
int bpull(FILE *fp, unsigned char *b, const char *fn, size_t s);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    char *fn;
    FILE *fp;
    int r;
    size_t s, i;

    if (argc != 2) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: ./xcat <file>\n");
        return -1;

    /* the chkret(func, var) macro checks if the return value of each
     * function is zero.  If it isn't, then we return(-1);  The idea was
     * to cut down on some of the "if" statement clutter that xcat was
     * suffering from checking return values manually. */
    fn = argv[1];
    s = fsize(fn);
    chkret("fsize", s);

    fp = fopen(fn, "rb");
    chkret("fopen", fp);

    bptr = malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * s);
    chkret("malloc", bptr);

    r = bpull(fp, bptr, fn, s);
    chkret("bpull", r);

    for(i = 0; i < s; ++i)

    /* make this a user specified fp in the future? I like this
     * functionality */
    fwrite(bptr, 1, s, stdout);

    bptr = NULL;

    return 0;

size_t fsize(const char *fn) {
    struct stat st;
    return (stat(fn, &st) == 0) ? st.st_size : 0;

int bpull(FILE *fp, unsigned char *b, const char *fn, size_t s) {
    return ((s-1) == fread(b, sizeof(unsigned char), s, fp)) ? 0 : -1;

you should include a makefile so that instead of trying to figure out why it doesn't compile, we can just run:

Code: [Select]
make all

a simple makefile could be written in 2 lines:

Code: [Select]
    g++ <flags> <sources> <headers>

General discussion / Re: Mr Robot
« on: May 26, 2015, 06:12:16 AM »
This looks interesting, I'll probably watch it.  If I can handle watching all one and a half hours of ALGORITHM, and enjoy it, then I bet I can make it through this :D.

Hacking and Security / Re: Linux RAT
« on: May 25, 2015, 04:10:47 PM »
Perhaps you're right Darkvision, I got a little carried away with that post (but i didn't feel like deleting it in the end  :D ).  OP, after re-reading the thread it seems I wasn't even interested in discussion, but you've come to the conclusion that you shouldn't ever worry about setting up a backdoor on a linux machine, and only focus on Windows boxes?  (I'm pretty sure that's what you meant anyways) I'd have to ask what about when you r00t that *nix server and you have practiced setting up hidden remote access in only Windows environments?  This doesn't fit the original use-case of fucking around w/ your friends computer but maybe the original question wasn't as dumb as you thought it was. :D 

Also, my pevious irritation was aimed at "jitterbud" not you m8.

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