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Messages - Kondiii

Pages: [1]
Kondiii, just download easyphp . If you get lost in the apache instalation you surely won't make trough installing mysql/phpmyadmin :)

only got lost because the new PHP 5.4 only have 3 options compared to 5.2.0 that was the problem :D  but there is only 1 way to learn it and thats keep trying to you get it right :P

sorry to bother again, i noticed the 5.2.0 version is outdated and no longer exist, so tried with 5.4 something, but in the installentions i got lost, since it dont show the same options as 5.2.0 :/

i was wondering what the picture was showing? Since it have been removed and im trying this execelt guide of PHP programming


Pages: [1]

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