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Messages - Hub

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Look I don't mean to insult the race at all, but it seems to me as if you are using the country as an excuse to act like a douche bag.  Do not other replying because I could care less what you think. You seem to be very annoying, and I hope you never come to New York. I guarantee that if you continued that behavior around here, you would get "hurt" very often. Enjoy your life.

General discussion / Re: Anyone Play Chess?
« on: September 11, 2012, 01:02:44 AM »
Sure thing! Maybe you should try out, we got more Evilzone members there.
Alright, I made an account on  under the name "EZ_Hub". If anyone wants to play sometime, let me know.

General discussion / Re: Good horror movies?
« on: September 10, 2012, 11:45:00 PM »
I really love how it gives you a different prospective of horror. You really cannot compare Saw's plots, ideas, and style to a different kind of horror movie. Most horror movies have something jumping out at you, Saw keeps you on the edge of your seat the entire time.

-Worst horror movie in history, Jeepers Creepers. I think its more of a comical movie.

General discussion / Re: Good horror movies?
« on: September 10, 2012, 11:24:57 PM »
I like watching the "Saw" movies, I kind of consider them horror.

General discussion / Re: Anyone Play Chess?
« on: September 10, 2012, 11:16:13 PM »
I'd like to play a few games if that's alright. Add me on Chesscube, my name on there is "EZ_Hub"

Actually after i have done so?
I told them not to..after that? I value my time too.

See.. Once you do so the guy will go and moan about it at the workplace during lunch... Soon enough people there come to know.

Look i am an Indian, but here is something you need to know that i am sad to say and ashamed too.

Indians have No works ethics whatsoever..
Those guys you see in Americas are those that sacrificed years to escape shit.
An average Indian does not want to work.
My dad runs a lab, i know how difficult it is to find a person willing to work as a technician?. In a country with so many jobless how difficult is it supposed to be?
Bastards never want to learn, then there are politics..
Look, in  those people will not get any sympathy from me, whatsoever.
You think i have never bought their policies? There is no follow up up service.. Once you buy an insurance the bastard will go his merry way. When the time comes he will never help you get the claim.

Most of those guys never did a honest days work. Always trying to con people, hidden conditions.. False assurances.. No.. I don't think they are getting sympathy from me.

Did i tell you that i am usually   very polite to everyone.. I know it pays to stop so.
No, the problem is that i am sleeping 3 hours a day because i wish to clear the entrance exam of very good business schools. I have no work experience and thus i will have to score very high to beat those with work exp... Because i am not yet out of college.
And then those people call..  I am ambitious and won't settle for a small job.. I have no shame in admitting this. I will kill myself before working at a place where is no chance to get a very good position eventually, that is with loads of money.

I do give chances but my 10 seconds for 10 times a month means 100 seconds lost of my life. Better they waste theirs.
While I can respect getting mad at douchy telemarketers, I am slightly offended by this as I am a telemarketer. I get paid to call people and ofer them newspaper subscriptions, and we have a bad reputation thanks to the shitty companies who really don't give a damn and push you until your pissed, also understand that we telemarketers are people too. If their being rude, rhen by all means prank them. But please, make sure their actually douche bags before being an ass. Idk how many times I call someone and be extremely polite yet get yelled at, have my parents and my sexual orientation called into question, so on so forth. Now while I havent reached the breaking point yet, mostly because I don't want to lose my job, keep in mind when we call you we have your phone number and address at the least. It would pretty simple to order a couple pizzas to your house, place magazine subs for you, etc. Without getting caught

At least, if your getting a call about the paper be polite please. Its fine to ask us to take you off of the list, we will. But there's no.need to be an ass about it, even.if you don't want the paper there are quite a few people who rely on our calls to get the deals on their news sub. Just ask us to take you off the list and don't worry about us calling you again. We don't want to pay the 15000 fine for contacting a number that's been asked to be off the list.

i used to be a telemarketer whenever someone tryed to fool me with a ridiculous story i just had a good time about it
sure its not fun when ppl yell and call u names but you get used to just shake it off, you have to remember they dont hate you just your profession.

anyway this made me lol

What do you guys think about "P_2001"? obviously he is reluctant to understand anything, almost like a child being told santa does not exist. Do you guys consider telemarketing is an "honest days work"?

General discussion / Re: Favorite browser addons?
« on: September 10, 2012, 09:00:17 AM »
Pretty sure there's already a thread for this.

EDIT: Also, neither this thread nor your other thread are worthy of being in the Hacking and Security board. This should be moved to general discussion.
Browsers and addons have security features. I would assume that it would be enough reason for being placed in this part of the forums.

General discussion / Favorite browser addons?
« on: September 10, 2012, 08:23:11 AM »
Hello, I made a thread named "Favorite browser" and thought an addon thread might be a good idea. I noticed in my other thread that most people choose Firefox due to its addons. Although it sounds like this thread aims more towards Firefox users, "What is your favorite browser addon?" If you have more than one, list them. As for those whom use chrome over Firefox, I thought I would point out that "skidiot.h posted a link that made Firefox noticeably faster. I used Google Chrome knowing that I was joining their botnet because of its speed. Now that I could make Firefox just as fast, (probably faster) I see no reason in using it.
My personal favorite Firefox addon would most definitely have to be the adblocker.

-My "Favorite browser" thread.

-Firefox speed config (Credit for the share goes to skidiot.h)

-Google chrome "botnet"

It is their job to *advertise* the product, not deal with what the product does, or help you at all after the phone call. As far as I know telemarketers have the most troublesome job out there. How happy would you be to go to work every day only to get cussed at, yelled at, and insulted, all day long due to your job. Not to be a jerk, but if you have no work experience, how exactly could you tell what an honest days work is? I never meant to insult you, I hope you don't feel as if I did, I simply do not like how you have that ignorant disregard for other people because of their job. Making money pissing people off puts more food on your table then making no money.

ill have to agree there is much better ways to handle the situation
i think it was in this thread some was mentioned.
ether way you can always in a nice way say. i am not interested stop calling me. if they call again tell them the same it takes you 10sec to do so. or ask to speak to there supervisor.
you get a lot further in life being nice to ppl.
I agree completely.

General discussion / Re: Favorite browser?
« on: September 10, 2012, 04:02:11 AM »
Im on Ubuntu 12.04 and Im using Opera!!!
It is the best web browser I have ever used. I used to use chrome, but I switched to firefox.
I liked firefox but it felt kind of heavy. I don't know how to explain it.
I started to use Opera and it is awesome, it seems "light weight", it looks and feels nice.
I think this browser tops them all but doesn't get enough attention.
Slightly off topic, how has 12.04 worked out for you?

SO, they are allowed to waste my time calling after they were told not to?
I told them that i was not interested.....
If i am called again what an i supposed to do to stop them from calling?
You definitely don't call someone over to your home relating to a product/service, knowing that you do not want the product/service in the first place. That is very low class. I am not here trying to insult you, I just disagree with what you consider a "prank". How do you know if the "repeat offender" was the same person in each scenario? What if the telemarketer sent someone else to your home? Put yourself in that persons shoes. He works in one of the most "frowned upon" professions in the world, and you invite him to your home to disrespect him personally? I must congratulate the gentleman of scholar, because I would have been charged with breaking and entering, assault, and probably a few more criminal acts.

That's not very nice.. Wasting someone's time because they have a job to do? It is not there fault, it's the employers fault.

General discussion / Re: Code 2600 Movie
« on: September 09, 2012, 05:51:50 AM »
As far as I know, this movie has not yet been released for public purchase or viewing. It is only at its premiere stage and can only be seen at a few very specific security oriented events around the world. The next showing is on the 20th of September, at the SECUREWORLD EXPO, Santa Clara CA.
What a shame. I would have loved to see this movie before going to bootcamp, that seems to be unlikely though.

General discussion / Re: Favorite browser?
« on: September 09, 2012, 05:42:51 AM »
I'm Firefox through and through (except on my Android, Dolphin takes the cake there) Windows and Linux I use FF. idk about you guys but my Firefox set up is faster then chromes... esp. when you go in and do a few tweaks like these:

Then I would also get some addons (such as Adblock plus and others)

Its reliable, never crashes, is smecksy, and gets the job done.
Thanks for sharing that link, gotta set it up for my Ubuntu lucid Firefox.

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