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Messages - Corrupted_Fear

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 14
Operating System / Re: Windows 8.1 as a OS
« on: June 19, 2014, 09:51:33 PM »
I am posting this on my windows 8.1 machine now. I've used windows my entire life, and I like it. It is the most widely used operating system used in the world today, and for good reason. It's (fairly) stable, virtually every software every written has been written exclusively for windows or has a windows port. My windows 8 machine has 3 screens, and a Nvidia card, which I mostly use to play games or watch movies. Now, right in front of my screen, is my laptop, which has Mint installed. It can do several things my windows machine can't do. My windows machine can't do several things my debian machine can't do. My point is that I enjoy and respect windows, but its not the best for everything. Anything that requires an ide or network analysis, I have my laptop set up for that. Both are good systems, in my opinion I like linux better just because it lets you make all the decisions and its free, but windows has the software library to back it up.

TL;DR: I like and respect windows. I like and respect linux too. But more so than windows.

Tutorials / Re: Rogue AP MiTM Attack (Fake AP)
« on: June 18, 2014, 04:46:25 AM »
Not bad, but you missed a ";" in the dhcp config, behind the domain name ( I think, I'm not 100% sure on that one) and its "range" not "ranger". Could create some syntax errors, and that's just not good.

Android / Re: Towelroot *Root Most Devices in One-Click*
« on: June 17, 2014, 01:07:25 AM »
This is the first time something has actually worked for my Moto G, thank you so much!

short answer, it looks for patterns and common known code that are in programs. For example, things that are produced by MSF, have a similar code structure. The AV knows this, and catches programs that it see's have that code structure.

Long answer, if you really want to know how it works, get something you know is infected, and clean it and scrub it until you find the code that the AV detects, change it around so that it still works but looks different, and by then you will fully understand the general principles.

General discussion / Re: Forum portal
« on: May 22, 2014, 09:56:50 PM »
Ever since I started on fora, a long time ago the "unread posts" button is the first/only page I visit.

Same here. I saw the portal, thought it looked nice, thought I could probably use that one day. Still waiting for that one day. But it's still pretty.

Ill try to explain, correct me if I'm wrong Uriah. He's basically creating a platform in which people can post (good and functional) ideas, and those with the proper skills necessary who are also interested in the idea can band together and make that idea a reality. (Sort of, I think.) 

To shed a little perspective on those first reading, Uriah came to me in October 2012, right when the both of us first joined. He said "I am currently coding an awesome host website to work as a basis for everything I'm doing. I'll give you and Evilzone more info on it when im finished. I have some amazing ideas, and this site and the people I meet will help them come to reality.". I unfortunately, did not stick with it, and eventually fell out of EZ due to life and other stuff getting in the way. Two years later, it seems he carried on, gathered some help, and built this thing. The amount of not only work, but also dedication it took by these guys, is something that we need to pay attention to.  So here's to you Uriah, and every one of you that worked on it. I wish I would of stuck around, things would be a bit different now, but instead I took the route of getting my CCNA (which I don't have yet, I plan on taking my test this summer). I speak on my behalf and I think most of EZ, when I say that even though I weren't around for the development, if you need me for anything, you have my help. Can't wait to see this thing take off!

I remember a long time ago when you were telling me about this, I am so happy that you were able to bring a finished product. I can't imagine the power you've put behind it, you and the rest of the coders. I look forward to seeing the finished, tested, and released product, its going to be awesome!

General discussion / Re: Anyone play EVE?
« on: March 14, 2014, 03:18:18 AM »
Honestly, if its a game that is really that good, and will keep entertained for a while, I'm ok with that. The only game that has done that for me is starcraft, no matter what I keep going back to it. Hopefully Star Citizen will be the same way, and between the two, I should be set for a very long time. By the time it's released hopefully something like a 760 will be a bit more affordable, along with the HOTAS set up. Plus the rift, it will be quite an investment, but like I said, if it provides really enjoyable and long lasting entertainment, then I'm willing to spend a little.

General discussion / Re: Anyone play EVE?
« on: March 13, 2014, 11:58:09 PM »
I have heard of space engineers, but I'm waiting till its more fleshed out. I currently play the X series on and off, mainly X3. It's a bit dated, but still an amazing space/business sim. I might try out eve again, it sure does look pretty, even if there isn't much "flight skill" involved. In all honestly, I'm just looking for something to hold me over till Star Citizen or Elite is released and affordable, assuming they are decent games.

General discussion / Re: Anyone play EVE?
« on: March 12, 2014, 08:16:59 PM »
I've tried to get into it before, but not lately. I love the idea, but between the time investment and the monthly sub, I start to wonder if it's really worth it.  I'm a huge space sim fan, and this is (currently, until star citizen) the best out there, but it looks more of a polotics/ economic sim than a space sim, which is fine and cool, but I just don't know if its worth it. I'm open minded though, if anybody thinks it is, please explain why!

Android / Re: Question:How to Convert .py to .apk
« on: March 09, 2014, 01:53:46 AM »
You say it like its a terrible thing. Java is great for small apps and web based apps. I can't say I am fluent it in it, but I've played around with it and its just as useful as python can be. Plus, knowing both python AND java is never a bad thing ;)

Android / Re: Question:How to Convert .py to .apk
« on: March 04, 2014, 01:00:03 AM »
PhoneGap works too, especially considering you can target multiple mobile platforms at once.

Highly recommend phonegap. It's actually what im working/ learning on now, in correlation with cordova. Basically able to write apps for iOS, Android, Windows phone, and whatever else as long as you have the sdk files. Oh, and it only uses standard web languages (HTML, JS, CSS), which makes it super easy. Great if your in a hurry, or designing something that isn't very graphic intensive (games, simulations, etc.).

Android / Re: Question:How to Convert .py to .apk
« on: March 02, 2014, 07:47:43 PM »
I think what your asking is just how to convert a python script to be able to run and install on android, which in that case is fairly easy, just install QPython, and run your script from there. Now, if you didn't mean that, I'm guessing you meant writing android applications in python. Seeing as a python script is very different from an entire android application, you can't really easily convert them, as they are two different types of programs. What you can do, is write an application for android (apk), which incorporates that python code. A quick google search brought up a few results:   (not actually kivy, but a part of kivy that may be useful to you)

and of course the QPython I mentioned above.

Hacking and Security / Re: Exactly What are those?
« on: February 24, 2014, 04:55:52 AM »
Made my day, thank you rasenove, I needed a good chuckle. Have a cookie.

Hacking and Security / Re: Exactly What are those?
« on: February 23, 2014, 09:10:06 PM »
The information is out there. There are complete answers on google, believe it or not. Several articles, probably even an entire wiki. The problem is, these take effort to search through, read through, and understand. You stated that your first language isn't English, but I'm sure there are articles in your own language about botnets and such, its a pretty broad topic. Your not going to get answers here for things you can find out on your own, but afterward, after you've read and have a grasp on the subject, and have very specific questions, then we may be able to help. With that being said, we'll see you soon :)  <--- just to help you out a bit.

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