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Messages - bluechill

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 19
General discussion / Re: The Most Difficult Program to Compute?!
« on: July 02, 2014, 04:05:32 PM »
NP hard problems /thread

General discussion / Re: Build a computer with an unlimited budget!
« on: June 11, 2014, 04:33:13 AM »

This but with 4x Titans.

Game Hacking, Modding & Discussing / Re: C++ Game AI hacking?
« on: May 17, 2014, 03:00:54 PM »
I'll look at this later today.  AI is my forte so this is right up my ally.

If you code your own SSL library you're likely to make more mistakes than OpenSSL had right now. The new version uses C++11 as it's so much simpler and cleaner than anything that could be done using C.  Yes there might be kernel issues but that's not my problem as I don't want to deal with raw packets and make my own stack and such.

C - C++ / Re: [C++] Urlparse
« on: May 04, 2014, 01:45:33 AM »
Thanks for your feedback bluechill, been hoping to get some constructive brain juice. Will fix that soon :)

Edit: I tried parsing, but I encountered no problems with it, can you elaborate what's wrong with it?

Maybe just with the fragment because looking at your code, fragments but no query should fail

C - C++ / Re: [C++] Urlparse
« on: May 03, 2014, 04:11:54 PM »
Couple things. Never use -1 instead if string::npos for find such. Also this could have been done in a couple lines with C++11 regex if you want to look into it.  Also your code will fail on urls such as this:, A URL parser should not fail on those just saying.

C - C++ / Re: C++ Guides And Resources.
« on: May 03, 2014, 04:07:13 PM »
What so people should be able to magically guess the syntax? I mean sure for people who already no a couple of languages then yeah maybe they could learn c++ this way. Beginners; however, need more guidance through programming concepts and syntax. Using this sort of project system along with a book would work but I don't think the projects alone could start a beginner off. Btw do you know of a place with these types of projects?

Google + examples if simple projects. It's how I learned C++ not books. Books were just too boring for me

C - C++ / Re: C++ Guides And Resources.
« on: May 01, 2014, 05:35:47 AM »
I disagree with all.  You don't need a book to learn C++, you need to work by yourself doing work using C++.  All these books don't do that.  All of them are examples and reading and BORING and minimal fun projects.  To learn C++ you need the following:

1. A list of projects to code from beginners to advanced levels, each with suggestions for implementation.  For instance, instead of saying "Code a binary clock using X" say "Code a binary clock using X, Y, and Z and compare how each went and why X was more difficult then Y etc."  Basically you need projects which you implement in multiple ways using multiple techniques and then afterwords have predetermined explanations for why using X should be harder than using Y but why X might be better in other projects, etc.
2. You need feedback on each of these projects.  And you need to be willing to implement them in good style, picking from several different styles and testing each out and deciding which style you like best and having a REASON for why that style is the best.
3. You need a resource for looking up C++ ie. a book such as stated above or Google.  I prefer Google.

I started learning programming last year, and what everyone made seem easy is actually not so easy, and honestly I feel like a complete idiot every time I code, because whenever I create a program or do anything there's always someone who says "you could've made that in 10 lines instead of 25" now don't get me wrong I love and appreciate the help, well I guess my question is how long did it take you until you stopped feeling stupid or did you feel stupid in the first place?

It's not normal to feel like an idiot.  It is normal, however, to feel like you're missing some of the big picture, if not most of it, and that what you're doing doesn't feel quite right and that the compiler is some native speaker teacher who complains at every mistake you make until you get something which works good enough, whether it says what you intended though is another thing.

Basically learning a programming language is like learning another language irl.  You feel like you're missing a lot, and you are, but over time you improve and you eventually feel competent in the language.  Oh, and that native speaker teacher who always seemed like she/he hated you for being so horrible? They become your best friend and you can regularly talk about whatever and it will actually mean what you say.

General discussion / Re: Network Connection
« on: April 27, 2014, 02:22:50 AM »
Fiber connections can go beyond that.
Not sure on the digits at this point.
Nobody specifically limited the discussion to ethernet, fiber can be considered wired :)

Thats from wikipedia

I mean.... I limited the discussion to what you could actually use.  Theoretically "wifi" can be as fast as fiber if you use  more antennas.... ie. MU-MIMO x50....  The fastest ethernet cables you can buy are 40Gbit/s, the fastest connection you can get in MOST CONSUMER laptops, desktops, etc. is 10Gbit/s.  The fastest wifi you can get in a consumer product is AC hence my comparison.  Technically yes you can use a fiberoptic cable to get even faster but why not just add more antennas? Basically it comes down to where you limit yourself and I choose to go with "consumer" not "technically possible but usually infeasible"

General discussion / Re: WRT1900AC - Sickest router ever.
« on: April 26, 2014, 07:40:43 PM »
Consumer toys.

Yes but fun toys are fun.

General discussion / Re: WRT1900AC - Sickest router ever.
« on: April 26, 2014, 04:40:23 AM »
do i see porn in the reflection on the second pic?

You see my fingers ;P

General discussion / Re: WRT1900AC - Sickest router ever.
« on: April 25, 2014, 06:40:06 PM »

General discussion / WRT1900AC - Sickest router ever.
« on: April 25, 2014, 06:20:11 PM »
So I recently just got a WRT1900AC.  It's the most powerful router you can get.   It looks sick and it is awesome.

Speed Test with it over 802.11n (not even AC yet!)

Unfortunately where I am there isn't enough free space on the 5GHZ network to use AC (you need 80Mhz or 160Mhz channels, and there is only 40Mhz channels right now).  However, going to where I have no internet but can use AC channels you get 1030Mbit/s speeds which is absolutely insane.  This is with my mbp retina so 3 antennas, same as the router (it dynamically switches off the 4th because the chip can't yet handle pushing 4? something like that).

Pic 1:'s_charity/IMG_1097.png
Pic 2:'s_charity/IMG_1099.png

It also has an eSATA port, USB3, and 4 ethernet ports.  And it supports OpenWRT (or soon will because they just need to open source the wifi driver for it which will be soon).  It is awesome because it is one of the few routers with an eSATA port and the only 802.11AC router to support OpenWRT.

Yeah, just thought I'd make you guys jealous.

General discussion / Re: Network Connection
« on: April 25, 2014, 05:39:02 PM »
What a strange question.
With a simple anwser.
Wired will always rule wireless, at leat for next x0 years to come.
Wireless suffers from interference, the air is busy enough as is and will get worse.
Radio's are only half duplex, high package loss etc etc etc

Wired networking does not suffer from these limitations.
Speeds are up to 100x faster at this point in time.

Technically true except for the speeds part BUT for most purposes, you won't notice the difference between wired and wireless especially with 802.11AC.  AC supports 6.77Gbit/s which is almost as fast as the fastest ethernet you can get (10Gbit/s).  10Gbit/s is only 1.5x faster than 6.77Gbit/s

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