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Messages - Wizegamer

Pages: [1]
Reverse Engineering / Re: Programmers best friend .NET_Reflector
« on: December 16, 2012, 10:43:04 AM »
SO what your saying is if i say broke done the dotfuscator
then i could possibly learn how they do it.   

Hacking and Security / Member Asking about possible Hacking ???
« on: November 11, 2012, 01:57:32 AM »
I have for a while now had a few teamspeak ports open and forgot about them  :-[
anyways i felt something was odd or maybe im paranoid but anyways i USED netstat -b  in my cmd To look up active connections to my computer and Found some interesting results the end of this file is AFTER i CLOSED the ports and enabled some Security back to my router FUNNY HOW THEY WENT AWAY?
anyways here is the list of possible Culprits probably all proxie servers though  8)  Neonam style

Hacking and Security / Re: Keylogger
« on: November 09, 2012, 11:41:31 PM »
acualy im glad you guys posted this for him even though there probably broken up now. i havent heard about a mitm attack. it was even in my hacking for dummys book. derp all over. looks like i need to brush up a lot.

Hacking and Security / Re: SMS Recovery
« on: November 09, 2012, 11:16:41 PM »
doesnt it have to be stored somewhere on the phone though as a temp db file to be able to display it. if that was true you could code a program to save those temp db files. or just take the ones that are currently on the phone. maybe your deleted message is in there or not.
reading them would be a simple copy paste job if you have rooted access and all that. and you could use sql to view the db files.
 though once deleted the only copy is going to be on the server sorry buddy. i highly doubt that the phone saves deleted rows in the db. but shot it could be worth a look if you have root access.

General discussion / Re: Heads up on The whats up in gaming: Diablo 3
« on: October 28, 2012, 07:56:54 AM »
"sorry on behalf of blizzard" meaning you work for blizzard? i find this intriguing..

nope i dont work for them      ..
and sorry about it i wasnt trying to rant i wanted to inform people.

General discussion / Heads up on The whats up in gaming: Diablo 3
« on: October 24, 2012, 10:32:01 PM »
Im hoping this is the place to rant and be angry because im about to drop a good one.  :-\
Diablo 3, to all PC gamers in the last year and a half that waited for this piece of work to come out. Im sorry on behalf of blizzard. They really didnt know what they were doing. The bland story repeats over and over agian. And! at the same time the voice acting and general dialouge seems to make you want to pull your ears off and stick a nail through them and hammer them into the wall.
My main reason is dont buy this game. There is no one playing it. Be wary my friends this is a legit way to waste your money that you will in no way enjoy. I just dont understand why they havent removed it off metacritic because the users have spoken.
Heads up on The whats up in gaming. this game sucks...

Tutorials / Re: Lock picking
« on: October 23, 2012, 06:07:34 PM »
i have book on this called visual guide to lock picking i picked up for 10 bucks that and a set of picks dont try to make your own waste of time if your new. and a very nice small tension wrench are all you need. to pick most locks for other types of locks you need other tools.

Reverse Engineering / Programmers best friend .NET_Reflector
« on: September 03, 2012, 06:13:01 AM »
A while ago my .net instructor turned me on to a program called reflector . the design is simple it allows you to dissect classes and dll s  built in .net  sadly I have never used it for much else. so i don't really know its limitations.   

.NET Reflector was originally developed by Lutz Roeder and was freeware; its first versions can be tracked back to January 2001.[3] On 20 August 2008, Red Gate Software announced they were taking responsibility for future development of the software.[4]
In February 2010 Red Gate released .NET Reflector 6 along with a commercial Pro edition that enabled users to step into decompiled code in the Visual Studio debugger as if it were their own source code.
On 10 January 2011 Red Gate announced that .NET Reflector 7 would incorporate Jason Haley's PowerCommands add-in.[5]
On 1 February 2011 Red Gate announced that .NET Reflector would become a commercial product as of version 7,[6] which was released on 14 March 2011. This led to the creation of several free alternatives, including dotPeek,[7] JustDecompile, CodeReflect and the open source ILSpy. Subsequently, on 26 April 2011, due to community feedback Red Gate announced that they would continue to make .NET Reflector 6 available for free to existing users (while new users will have to pay for Reflector).[8]

Science / Re: Fetus = Parazite?
« on: September 03, 2012, 02:46:24 AM »

as much as i enjoy the idea of a unborn baby being a parasite.

According to a biology book I was reading.
here's the definition of a parasite: "An animal or plant that lives in or on a host (another animal or hplant); it obtains nourishment from the host without benefiting or killing the host."  RIGHT?

by your original definition i think the text means Another animal, not like animals or plants. its host would be a different species all together. but by human nature  the definition of =

(in ancient Greece) a person who received free meals in return for amusing or impudent conversation, flattering remarks, etc.
---- aka a bum or suck up


a person who receives support, advantage, or the like, from another or others without giving any useful or proper return, as one who lives on the hospitality of others.
---- children or elderly ...

aka dependents  might make a better example of how a infant is a parasite.

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