General discussion / What Makes a Good Blog Article?
« on: September 29, 2012, 11:17:41 PM »Everyone knows that the human mind is pre-determined to read in sections of information. When reading a thread we expect to get a very short introduction to the context, followed by a thorough explanation of the issue at hand. Then we expect either a question to be raised or a summary to be presented. This is so that the human mind can process it adequately without reading back over the article. [End introduction to context]
Currently I am planning on making a blog, and am considering what order/format (shown by context above, avoiding re-reading) would be best for readers to find reading the articles "clear" (require minimal thought) and therefore make reading the blog most enjoyable to those interested in the niche. Assume that the people reading natively speak english, which allows the connotations and order of learning common from their grammar be consistent for discussion. [End thorough explanation]
What order do you expect?
I will provide, after a couple of replies, my opinion... hopefully this will become a good discussion that we can all benefit from. So please reply high quality with a lot of consideration. [End of question/summary]