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Messages - d4cXn355 24cX

Pages: [1]
General discussion / Re: The Best File Compression Software
« on: October 01, 2012, 03:49:34 AM »
I also use 7-zip, and winrar usually. But I am looking for a solution to compress all my movie files into a very small file size, cuz my hard-disk is gonna be filled. Ever heard of KGB?

General discussion / The Best File Compression Software
« on: September 30, 2012, 02:58:02 AM »
Hi Guys, what kind of file compression do you use? And what do you think is the Best?

I've heard of KGB archive which can compress 1GB to 10MB, but it has to wait for a very long time, and the same amount of time is needed to decompress.

Any IDEAS on what software to use, which have high compression ratio.

General discussion / Re: [Request] Virtual Assistant Denise
« on: September 29, 2012, 11:38:47 AM »
@relax Please check this out for virtual assistant Denise features. It's more than I can tell.

General discussion / Re: [Request] Virtual Assistant Denise
« on: September 29, 2012, 04:13:32 AM »
@relax Bro this is not just a TTS. It is a personal assistant. It can integrate with TTS systems, like nuance dragon and TTS of other languages.

General discussion / [Request] Virtual Assistant Denise
« on: September 29, 2012, 03:26:37 AM »
Hi have any1 heard of Virtual Assistant Denise? It's an advanced personal assistant software.
The official description from Guile3D Studio

Denise is an advanced Virtual Assistant software. She comes with our real-time proprietary graphic engine, a high quality English Text to speech voice and the best dictation Speech Recognition system (Nuance Dragon), available in 6 languages. Denise's works with an adaptive Artificial Intelligence Brain, that can learn by itself and be customized by user.Her main function is to assist users in human-computer interaction, like searching the web, checking e-mail, scheduling appointments, getting latest news, run computer applications by voice and much more, all these using natural language, as the user was “talking to a real person”

And I'm trying to get this software. Can somebody provide me with an upload? They are pretty much expensive, and I can't find "any download for free" at google.
BTW EZ should provide a place for us to request software or provide software of all kind.

High Quality Tutorials / Re: [Guide] Which Language To Start With
« on: September 24, 2012, 01:04:52 PM »
C - recommendation needed please.
Python - Python
As for C compiler I'd recommend Dev C++ it's IDE and compiler Combined.
For Python I highly recommend Pyscriptor it's python IDLE and Interpreter combined , very easy to use and support HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, and XML.

Pages: [1]

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