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Messages - VictorM

Pages: [1]
General discussion / Re: Remote Code Execution
« on: August 29, 2012, 05:57:53 AM »
@Everyone thanks for the helpful replies...

I have a better idea now how a hacker can take control of any given machine...The main thing was I wanted to find out if even a box is up to date in patches and servicep packs without running certain services (i.e. FTP, HTTP) and box can still be taken control of.

Appreciate the informative replies..

General discussion / Remote Code Execution
« on: August 28, 2012, 01:41:07 AM »
Hello everyone.

I was hoping the fine folks here might be able to answer a question about writing remote code exploits. Assuming that the machine is running windows XP/Vista/7 on a x86 platform with all service packs, patches and updates with no services and no server applications running then how can it be possible to take advantage of such a box remotely ?

Please note that I have no interest nor intentions in hacking into anyone box but would like to understand the logic behind how remote code exploits work...

Thanks in advance


Pages: [1]

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