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Messages - FeOx

Pages: [1]
High Quality Tutorials / Re: SQL Injection
« on: August 16, 2012, 06:08:56 PM »
Doh! Almost nobody stores cpanel passwords on the database!
Those passwords are for CMS.

Ok Thanks =] As we talked pm you said there is no CMS panels in that website i pmed you and said to check for XSS vuln. Well i didn't founded XSS vuln too :\

High Quality Tutorials / Re: SQL Injection
« on: August 16, 2012, 03:27:30 PM »
What control panel you have in mind? Cpanel / directadmin ?
Those have completely different passwords.

Also are the passwords plain text? Are you sure?

Some programmers like to set up 2 environments, so you might be trying to breach the one that's only being used as a bait. But in your case, i doubt it.

I was trying to log in to /cpanel
Well at the moment im searching for the page that would let me to log in but can't find :S well i keep searching

High Quality Tutorials / Re: SQL Injection
« on: August 16, 2012, 10:46:06 AM »
Feox i quoted you PM, but when you get a pass and nickname out of a database. It does not mean that it is the only user table on the database server. and the password may be hashed.  is it very long and to complicated to remember?

Thanks for answer. Well it was the only user table on the database server (i pmed you link of that site) And password is not hashed. I Don't know where is problem... and that happens always when i get admin logins... i go to control panel and it says login invalid :\ i don't know what im doing wrong

Pages: [1]

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