Scripting Languages / hashcheker.py [MD5]
« on: May 03, 2011, 08:39:00 PM »Code: [Select]
#This tool just for crack your md5 password
#This application not stable in regex
#programmer : kiddies A.k.A peneter
#email : kecoak2004@yahoo.com
#blog : http://devilz-kiddies.blogspot.com
#thanks : mywisdom, gunslinger, jimmyromanticdevil, 5ynl0rd(my masta) and you
#community : devilzc0de, anti-jasakom, jasakom, echo, codecall, leetcoder and all
import urllib2, urllib, re, time
import sys, os
if sys.platform == 'linux-1386' or sys.platform == 'linux2' or sys.platform == 'darwin':
SysCls = 'clear'
SysCls = 'cls'
print '''
# DDDDD iii lll 00000 dd #
# DD DD eee vv vv lll zzzzz cccc 00 00 dd eee #
# DD DD ee e vv vv iii lll zz cc 00 00 dddddd ee e #
# DD DD eeeee vvv iii lll zz cc 00 00 dd dd eeeee #
# DDDDDD eeeee v iii lll zzzzz ccccc 00000 dddddd eeeee #
# #
# #
# This Tool for cracking MD5 password #
# Programmer : kiddies A.k.A peneter Devilzc0de BlackHat Edition #
hash_crack = raw_input('input your hash : ')
url = 'http://hashchecker.de/hash.cgi?action=check&wert=1&hash=' + hash_crack
params = {'hash':hash_crack}
enc = urllib.urlencode(params)
opening = urllib2.urlopen(url, enc)
page = opening.read()
result = re.search(r'', page)
print result.group()
there is error in regex...