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Messages - kiddies

Pages: [1]
Scripting Languages / [MD5]
« on: May 03, 2011, 08:39:00 PM »
Code: [Select]
#This tool just for crack your md5 password
#This application not stable in regex
#programmer : kiddies A.k.A peneter
#email :
#blog :
#thanks : mywisdom, gunslinger, jimmyromanticdevil, 5ynl0rd(my masta) and you
#community : devilzc0de, anti-jasakom, jasakom, echo, codecall, leetcoder and all

import urllib2, urllib, re, time
import sys, os

if sys.platform == 'linux-1386' or sys.platform == 'linux2' or sys.platform == 'darwin':
SysCls = 'clear'
SysCls = 'cls'

print '''
# DDDDD iii lll 00000 dd #
# DD DD eee vv vv lll zzzzz cccc 00 00 dd eee #
# DD DD ee e vv vv iii lll zz cc 00 00 dddddd ee e #
# DD DD eeeee vvv iii lll zz cc 00 00 dd dd eeeee #
# DDDDDD eeeee v iii lll zzzzz ccccc 00000 dddddd eeeee #
# #
# #
# This Tool for cracking MD5 password #
# Programmer : kiddies A.k.A peneter Devilzc0de BlackHat Edition #
hash_crack = raw_input('input your hash : ')
url = '' + hash_crack
params = {'hash':hash_crack}
enc = urllib.urlencode(params)
opening = urllib2.urlopen(url, enc)

page =

result ='', page)



there is error in regex...

Scripting Languages / Twitter Console Version 0.1 [Python]
« on: May 03, 2011, 08:37:24 PM »

this software made by kiddies. this tool can be update status in twitter via console and look friends and waht they status..

this version 0.1 twitter console.

your comment and critical can be sent to my email or give comment here
your comment will be make this tool perfectly

Code: [Select]

#This tool just for fun
#thanks : mywisdom, gunslinger_, flyff666, petimati, synlord(get your honey dude :p), jimmy, whitehat and you !
#special made : devilzc0de
#email :
#blog : and
#forum thanks : devilzc0de, jasakom, antijasakom, void-labs, and all community
#special thanks: for my lovely(verawati), you always beside me when im sad, fall and happy

import twitter
import time

#twitter connect
print """
#~|~ o_|__|_ _._ |~ _ ._ _ _ | _ /\ '| #
# | \/\/| | | }_| |_(_)| |_\(_)|}_ \/ \/o | #
# #
# twitter console version 0.1 #
# developed by kiddies A.k.A peneter #

user_name = raw_input("please insert your username or email : ")
pass_word = raw_input("please insert your password : ")
connect = twitter.api(username = user_name, password = pass_word)
print "your twitter account was connected"
print "what do you wanna do ? "
print "[1]Update your wall"
print "[2]Look your frieds wall"
choose = raw_input("coose 1 or 2 : ")
if choose == "1":
wall = raw_input("input your wall message : ")
update = connect.PostUpdate(wall)
print "your twitter wall have been updated : %s " % wall
print "Thanks for using Twitter Console"
if choose == "2":
wall_look = connect.GetFriends()
for wall in wall_look:
look = wall.screen_name + wall.status.text
print look
print "[-]Back to Main Menu"

except ImportError:
print "Please check twitter module"
print "Please check your Connection"
print "Please check your username or password, may be those invalid"

Pages: [1]

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