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Messages - th3gr3yh4nd

Pages: [1]
General discussion / Re: Have you ever?
« on: September 24, 2012, 04:52:14 PM »
Probably the only one (if I'm not, don't take offense), that still believes a woman is better off serving their man. I know this may seem unreal to most people here (and trust me I have some working to do on it myself), but a woman's place is in the home. We were made to help our husband and to submit. Not to raise our voices and act masculine.  Now that of course only applies if your man is deserving of such a lady. He need not be perfect, no one is, he just can't be an insensitive jerk who thinks he can order his woman around just cause she will listen. When he respects her thoughts and feelings, but knows the final word is his, then he deserves a submissive wife. Like I said, I have some work to do on myself, but enough respect is given to me (and he knows that I am not stupid, so takes my thoughts into consideration), that the control of our lives needs to go to my husband.

Now tell me again why most men here have objections to Christianity. Then again I am not the most strict of Christians. The basics are covered, I just keep an open mind about some things.  I'm just saying.  I have to wonder if anyone will read this. I hope it isn't too embarrassing for techb. maybe I shouldn't post... lets see...

Damn woman... we are a team of 5 members, a mix of guys and girls, and we were all said "defuq"... you are 1 in a million, and a good one too... keep that attitude... if it doesn't keep you this man, it will keep any other... plus, that is the best format of that opinion i have ever seen... we are gonna hang it on our office =)

Pages: [1]

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