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Messages - pyte

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General discussion / Re: Give a cookie?
« on: July 15, 2013, 07:46:50 AM »
I'm so generous il give everyone a cookie!  ;D 

Found it on the Webs / Nice Read..
« on: July 15, 2013, 07:39:19 AM »


I'm doing some reading here and there and i found something interesting for my taste.
Try it out HERE


Operating System / Re: Windows Vista password problem
« on: July 02, 2013, 07:45:58 AM »
Thanks pals , your ideas are worth.
i however found another way to do it ..

## Unlocking admin account on windows (*) with ubuntu 12.04
## proven to work. at least where i've used.

 Method 1:

1. Boot from ubuntu live cd
2. Mount the windows partition and access Folder Windows then System 32
3. Search for Utilman.exe and rename it to Utilman1.exe
3. Find also cmd.exe, copy and paste it in the same folder
4. Rename the copy to utilman.exe
5. Close the folder, remove the ubuntu live cd and reboot
6. On login screen appears a cmd with admin privileges
7. Create a new user and group him in the admin pool

   #this is done using the following commands:
  net user /add SOME_USER Some_password ------------------- create new user
   net localgroup administrators SOME_USER /add --------------------add him to Admin group
   net share SHARE_NAME=c:\ /grant:SOME_USER,full-------------------Here we grant him power above all
   The command above will grant user name SOME_USER will full grant, that’s mean SOME_USER can do everything on the system including see other users file .
8. Restart your system and login with the account you created and rush to the user profiles and change / clear the password from the account in discussion
9. Now you can login to the account with a blank or the password you set.
10.Access the system 32 and delete current utilma.exe and rename utilman1.exe to utilman.exe

   Method 2:
1. Obtain and boot from a live ubuntu cd
2. Open the software center and on the top panel hit edit and scroll down to software sources
3. Under Ubuntu softwares mark everything except the source code option and choose the Universal server
4. Hit close to save the edit and close the software center
5. Launch a terminal (I assume you know how :) Ctrl + Alt +T
6. Type sudo -s  and hit Enter to gain root (makes everything easier for you)
7. Next run apt-get update to just have things in order :) then apt -get install chntpw (quit hacky a package)
8. Now to the real part. Simply open a folder and mount the windows partition (by simply clicking on it)
9. type cd/media/ here press Tab and select the Numbers you get there.. then /Windows/System32/config/ press Enter.
   ## you should have something like this (capital W/S depends on the os ie vista, xp etc)
   cd /media/4536729200192/Windows/System32/config
10. key in chntpw SAM and follow instructions to edit admin password.I RECOMMEND YOU USE OPTION 1 ONLY.
11. For a different user use; chntpw -u user_name SAM. if you aren't sure of the username chntpw -l SAM will show you a list.
12. type reboot when done and log into the edited accounts at your own liberty ;)



Operating System / Re: Windows Vista password problem
« on: July 01, 2013, 11:58:42 AM »
Ive just tried that problem here, i press the ctrl + alt +del but nothing happens.
i guess its so screwed up.

Operating System / Windows Vista password problem
« on: July 01, 2013, 11:46:45 AM »
I happened to have lost my windows vista password and the account happens to be Administrative.
i have tried the famous linux way but it works not though i complete all stages as guided here
so far nothing changes and am left locked out.any solutions?
please dont mention downloading ophcrack or that sort ive done that n nothing works here.


Hacking and Security / Security puzzles
« on: June 20, 2013, 08:15:02 AM »


#I may be asking some silly question(so it may seem to some) but kindly bare with and enlighten me.

the other day some random guy hacked into a friends router and he simply changed the password .i assume this took cake of the intruder(at  least for that day). the next day my friends website was down internet connections very  VERY   slow! and crazy   staff happening around.

having in mind that the website aint hosted there  , would there be a way that   the guy behind this accessed   the   website through my pals connection ? and what is wrong with the slow internet connection ? this i ask coz its beyond any "answers" i got from google. i guess the Professionals here know it better.

can a malicious code be placed on a router to function only on startup?
(I need someone to teach me of the blackhat part of this things  :-[ )

thanx in advance

Hacking and Security / Security alerts
« on: June 18, 2013, 06:39:02 AM »
If your area of specialisation is security (and pentesting maybe) ::)
here is just another place you can see the noticed vulnerabilities listed..hope it helps

Found it on the Webs / Upcoming python masters training
« on: June 14, 2013, 11:26:00 AM »

I looked around and found this staff which for sure is a rich source of knowledge for anyone interested in mastering python programing.
take a look..

Android / Re: Linux for android
« on: June 07, 2013, 02:22:26 PM »
Personally I never liked ubuntu.
However in this case im very willing to make an exception.
As long as its linux based, man that would be great.
Thats an understatement, finally a useful device!

im actually saving for this. :P  needless to say i stand guilty for the understatement.Ubuntu rocks

Android / Re: Linux for android
« on: June 07, 2013, 01:38:39 PM »
Unfortunately i haven't been in a position to interact with the new ubuntu one but still i hope i will soon.
i assume it would be as effective as it has proven to be for my laptop.

Android / Linux for android
« on: June 07, 2013, 10:24:07 AM »
I'm not any good in this things but i'd like to know how i could get to replace android with linux for my mobile phone.
i think this could be possible but i don't know if the LG Optimus zone would handle this?
any ideas and references to a good read on the same would be appreciated.


Projects and Discussion / Re: Root Controll
« on: June 07, 2013, 10:03:37 AM »
Yeah sure, everything that can be interpreted can be compiled. As long as the language is turing complete, you can compile it and make it run on any platform.

The problem is efficiency, stealth, and a low foot print - you don't get either by compiling python to PE or ELF.

I'm not too familiar with the workings of py2exe, does it include it's own interpreter or does it compile the python script to assembly?

I like your idea for learning purposes, but keep it like that. When you have written your application and have the general idea, go do it in C.
According to what i have learnt, py2exe compiles python scripts completely . The compiling process should end with creating two folders (‘build’ and ‘dist’).
You only need to deploy the content of ‘dist’.
that way i have tried and it does work well even for machines with no python compiler.

about the efficiency , stealth and low footprint am yet to try with the script i intend to write so i have no idea of how it reacts. :(
i wrote a small script to walk a directory , locate a .txt file and email it .i packaged it with the help of py2exe tool and it does work on my desktop which has no python installed.i hope this happens with my current project.

Scripting Languages / Re: Python Assistance
« on: June 07, 2013, 08:12:10 AM »

Well, I suppose the first things you should take a look at, since you're so bent on using Python for this, are the _winreg (registry editor) module and the third-party pywin32 API.

Good idea there. found a book on black hat python scripting which hinted the same.
ill be on the topic in two days time. This is interesting than i thought!

Projects and Discussion / Re: Root Controll
« on: June 07, 2013, 07:02:41 AM »
Using python for crafting malicious Windows apps is not ideal as Windows does not have a python interpreter by default. If you already have the chance to install an interpreter, then you already have administrative rights.

If you are going to handle sensitive information, are you sure a completely open backdoor, developed by you with no experience in this matter, is the best way to go?

Basically what you want to craft is a rootkit, you should try out the "Designing BSD rootkits", I believe it's in the book section.

I believe py2exe takes care of that .take a look here. on the other hand i believe this will be good for my experience building  ;) . why? this is coz il have time to give it a try before implementing and also since il code the thing myself, il be clear in its operations too.

Go with python. It will be a lot easier to learn and and easier to code. Also sockets in python are extremely simple.

Ive had a look at python and i'm now giving it my very best (5-6 hrs) i'm sure i'll be ok soon.

That's the gist of it.

Know your platform.

As i hinted before, there can be packaging done to make the app a stand alone working either on windows or Linux with or without python installed. i also think i can add a script to download and install the interpreter before.(this could be by use of PhP or some other language.)

Scripting Languages / Python Assistance
« on: June 06, 2013, 01:43:10 PM »
Hello Guys,

I'm researching a very tight topic (at least for me) Namely:
Root access with python (also administrative privileges on windows)
yeah , i know it might sound stupid but any suggestions on a good read or an example will be of great help.

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