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Messages - dr0n3_x

Pages: [1]
Hacking and Security / Re: wifi router configuration??
« on: August 11, 2012, 03:56:16 AM »
there are two method..

1. if you can have physical access to the router then you can manually reset it..(but be careful if you dont know what are the current settings on that)

2. If you want to know the password sobad anyhow you can brute force your target..

Hacking and Security / Re: get into 802.1X protected networks
« on: August 09, 2012, 05:26:05 AM »
In this case 802.1x worked as NAP(network access protection) it one one of NAP enforment type

802.1x access points enforcement type uses Ethernet switches or W acesss points that support 802.1x authentication...

system administrators can use this type of network access protection to grant full network access to compliant computers and non compliant computers are connected to remediation part fo the network or completely prevented from connecting to main network...

802.1x uses of two methods to authenticate and control new coming users

1 . USE and ACL(access control List)(google these for more info)

2 . USE VLAN(Virtual Lan)
                                          {VLAN can not communicate with one another unless we connect them using a device like router.. also when u connect to network and your pc is not compliant you cant communicate with other VLAN and as well as other non compliant clients..}

Pages: [1]

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