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Messages - kateus

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Found it on the Webs / Re: A hilarious question
« on: December 04, 2012, 03:35:26 AM »
[size=78%]I just think it's funny because the thing about the internet is that you are alway aware of exactly what address you are at. [/size] :P [size=78%] [/size]

While you always know where you are at, you don't always know where you are going to be going next. For example there can be links with the wrong text, or redirects on some websites.

Found it on the Webs / Re: Don't DoS yourself
« on: November 30, 2012, 03:50:02 AM »
At my work, when it's slow, we have SSH'd into each other's work computer and fork bomb it. At first it's really funny because people don't know why their computers are suddenly crashing, but when they find out it's still pretty fun.

General discussion / Re: IQ test
« on: October 28, 2012, 09:06:29 PM »

I think that might be part of the IQ test....

Lol, like if you can't access the full IQ test, your IQ just isn't worth measuring :P.

Web Oriented Coding / Re: Whats the definition of php mail function ?
« on: October 28, 2012, 07:45:41 PM »
Yeah, if you have your own smtp server, and are sending mail from that server you don't need login info. If you want to send mail using a remote smtp server, like say google's, you generally have to send a username and password.

General discussion / Re: Romney Tax Plan
« on: October 26, 2012, 06:22:53 PM »
While I may not have high hopes for the US no matter who gets elected, I don't think it's fair to judge them on a silly stupid things they said. Everyone makes mistakes here and there, and just because they are presidential candidates every little thing they do is way over analyzed. And honestly, if someone can run a country well I don't give a fuck whether they know anything about planes. This statement really doesn't show anything about his qualifications or how he would do if he was elected.

Operating System / Re: How about that Windows 8?
« on: October 22, 2012, 09:13:05 AM »
I haven't used it too much, but I've heard a lot of negative opinions. It seems to be way more focused on the tablet OS than the desktop. And though it boots a bit faster, and there are other changed, it's really similar to Windows 7, though the start menu defaults to a tablet like interface too. It's weird, but if you want the latest and greatest go for it. I agree with Snayler though, I just have one windows computers for the few things that I can do only with it, but my laptop and everything else run linux.

C - C++ / Re: urgent....
« on: October 20, 2012, 03:08:06 PM »
No one will spoonfeed you. Show at least that you try to do it yourself or you won't have any luck here.
I give you a hint, though. This is the travelling salesman problem. Google it. You will find a lot examples and explanations.

That doesn't take into account that every node has to be visited exactly once.

Must have missed that part. But yeah, traveling salesman is the way to go in this case.

General discussion / Re: Romney Tax Plan
« on: October 20, 2012, 02:28:09 PM »
I'm going to write in Green Lantern this year on the ballet. I think Green Lantern is more politically apt and will guide this world to peace.

lol, so true.

Hacking and Security / Re: What do I need to do
« on: October 20, 2012, 02:15:30 PM »
I'm no expert, but I'm fairly sure that if the port is closed you can't exploit the server through there, as it is not accepting connections. So your only option would to be go through port 80. Unless you happen to know that one of the other, I'm assuming filtered ports, is actually open.

C - C++ / Re: urgent....
« on: October 20, 2012, 02:12:23 PM »
If I were you, I would use  Dijkstra's Shortest path algorithm ( to find the shortest path from start to destination then just multiply it by two for the way back.

It seems like it's pretty much impossible to be completely private and use modern day facilities at the same time. I like the what lucid said about track me not, instead of doing the near impossible task of getting google to not know about you, it give false information about you.


Nice to see you back skidiot :) but this link seems pretty accurate. I don't know if I should be scared or not... xD

General discussion / Re: Romney Tax Plan
« on: October 19, 2012, 04:59:50 AM »
That's funny. 

Unfortunately, it makes more sense than our current presidents plan.

Yeah, at this point it almost seems like just the lesser of two evils...

Science / Re: 4=5 Is it true?
« on: October 11, 2012, 05:19:15 AM »
HEY,hey,hey. I am not solving this in python. I had just posted it not to ask u how python would react to it.Just think over it

I already posted why your proof was wrong :P

Oh I get it. It's like cucumber = potato because if you put mustard on both of them, then remove the skins, add  salt, you get a hand bag. Makes total since now, why haven't I seen the logic before?

LOL, thats what everything is seeming like these days...

Science / Re: 4=5 Is it true?
« on: October 07, 2012, 11:11:15 PM »
Without using a float to make the exact result of the division in decimal points, you just get the nearest whole number as a result. If you take 2 ints you get an int(whole number). if you take 2 floats(decimal), or a float and an int, you get a float.
in simpler terms, 5/2 in python is asking for a whole number. 5.0/2 or 5/2.0 or 5.0/2.0 is asking for a more exact, decimal result.

Just wanted to input that in most programming languages it's not the nearest whole number, it is always the lower one. This is because when an int gets assigned something like 1.99 or 1.5 or whatever and it just omits the decimal place and everything after it, so both of these would be 1 as an int.

Science / Re: 4=5 Is it true?
« on: October 06, 2012, 08:26:38 PM »
When you take the square root, you can't just assume that it would be positive. Then you could prove -5=5, -4=4, etc.. because

sqrt(25) = sqrt(25)

so when you take the square root you should actually get absolute values, eg:

|(4-9/2)| = |(5-9/2)| and indeed 1/2 = 1/2

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