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Messages - shashwat7

Pages: [1]
I am a pure noob when it comes to staying anonymous. I have hacked a wireless network, but you don't need to know the history. The simple thing is that I don't want to be visible to the network administrator. I didn't even hack the network. I tried the default password ( bsnl_ap - 1234512345 or 1234567890) and I got logged in. But I dont want the admin or any user to realize that I am on the network. Like, when I connect to my wifi, I am visible in the network map as Shashwat. Off course I know I can change my name. But will changing the name be enough. Can the person trace me? The person is not an expert, just a common man, so no need to go to the details. I just don't want to be included in the network map.

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