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Messages - Pythonista

Pages: [1]
Tutorials / Re: Stealing Cookie With XSS
« on: July 01, 2012, 08:03:16 AM »
So we know how to steal a session cookie, so what would could the victim do to prevent this from happening? Any links or suggestions? I'm sure HTTPS would make this more difficult, but what else could they do that we need to take into consideration?

Web Oriented Coding / Re: Would you rather?
« on: July 01, 2012, 07:48:51 AM »

You never mentioned any specific functionalities. I would assume that it would be a server side chat client with a operator login and guest uses for a live chat. What other features does your chat system need thats not covered by any of the systems that I posted?

I know there are a lot of Mac haters here but it's going to be tightly integrated with Mac OS X and iOS. It will be a sales chat system with server side requests, something like and it's going to integrate pretty tightly with my backend management system.

I've seen a lot of the open-source chat systems and most of them are like pidgin, I'm looking for a chat login, chat queue, the ability to moderate my agents, ban/allow users, etc. Does that make more sense?

Web Oriented Coding / Re: Would you rather?
« on: June 30, 2012, 08:52:06 PM »
I would rather... not re-invent the wheel...

If you still want to create your own there are some starting points.

1) PHP/Javascript/Ajax
2)Server side will require a LAMP server (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP)
3)Use MySQL and a strong password

Well, I need certain functionality and most of the open source chat systems aren't that great. But thank you for your opinion, much appreciated.

Web Oriented Coding / Would you rather?
« on: June 30, 2012, 08:28:56 PM »
I am starting to build a sales chat system to go on a website and wanted to get some opinions. Ever been on a retail site and initiated a chat? Yes, I'm talking about that. I wanted to know:

1) Would you rather code this in PHP or Javascript? (Other suggestions welcome)

2) What language would you use on the Server Side Requests?

3) What would be the best way to secure the database (sql)?

Any links to tutorials / discussions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Pages: [1]

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