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Messages - socialhacker

Pages: [1]
General discussion / Re: Question about what languages to go with
« on: June 29, 2012, 02:45:58 AM »
Hello Narraz,

Thanks for your response.

I am happy I can skip C for now.

Thanks for your guidance people.

Much appreciated.


General discussion / Re: Question about what languages to go with
« on: June 28, 2012, 05:37:51 PM »
Hello Ande,

Thanks for the answer.

In responding to your question, I want to basically get good at -
HTML/CSS, PHP and Javascript (later of course)

Now your question about the purpose.

I want to learn the above because I want to enter the Wordpress community. I want to build themes and plugins.

So, I decided to get thorough at HTML/CSS and then move onto PHP. Until someone confused me saying I had to learn C. It was mandatory.

Some more advice from you is highly appreciated!


General discussion / Question about what languages to go with
« on: June 28, 2012, 02:55:31 PM »
Hello Everyone,

I am new here. Just signed up a moment ago. I hope to benefit from the content here, as well as contribute in the near future.

Programming is not my field, even though I am familiar with basics such as HTML and CSS. I have been exposed to PHP codes a few times, even though they did not make much sense to me.

I am currently learning HTML and CSS fulltime, and plan to move on to a scripting language.

I have 2 questions that I request your advice for -

1. Should I learn C and then move on to learn a scripting language (Javascript/PHP in my mind) or can I start with one of them?

2. If latter, should I first do PHP or Javascript?

Please advice.  :)


Pages: [1]

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