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Messages - Daemon

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General discussion / Re: What about binary?
« on: September 16, 2014, 07:18:21 PM »
OP, I would recommend learning a bit about electricity and electronics. There is a book called CODE that shows you how computers work on a logical hardware level, stuff like binary and logic gates, which i would highly recommend reading (not sure if it's in the e-book section or not)

However, quick breakdown:
Machines work by having electrical signals sent through the parts, if a part is on it is a Binary 1 and if it's off then it's a Binary 0. So yes, every machine breaks down to 1s and 0s. Though technically, it breaks down to each individual bit(gate/whatever) inside of the machine being on or off.

General discussion / Re: Cooking thread
« on: September 16, 2014, 07:14:05 PM »
Oh man, m0rph gonna hate me for this...

Breakfast: I love making omeletes, breakfast burritos, egg sandwiches (either over-easy or scrambled style. though i prefer over-easy cause the yolk tastes awesome combined with the toast) and anything egg related. Though I also do pancakes and such on occasion.

Lunches: I like to keep it simple, sandwiches, quesadillas, mac + cheese, leftovers

Dinner: Yakisoba, Soba, Gyudon, Omusoba, Omurice, Cha-han (chinese fried rice), spaghetti, bratwurst (cooked in beer, the darker the beer the better) are all things I'll make

For snacks I enjoy making nachos (grate your own cheese, pre-grated is too salty), quesadillas, grilled cheese sandwhiches, crackers + cheese + fruit. I admit it, im addicted to cheese haha

I'll try to remember to get some pictures off my phone over the course of this week and show you guys what all goes on foodwise in my house ^_^

Check out mailchimp

Definitely not free, and a very anti-spam company. However, if your using them for a business then I would say there is no better company for email campaigning (i use them on a weekly basis for work, legit love them)

Found it on the Webs / Re: Kali Alternative
« on: September 02, 2014, 06:14:59 PM »
I have a basic rule of thumb when it comes to OS of choice: If there is a video teaser, it is not for me.

Going to go back in my cave now.

General discussion / Re: throwing knives, stars, and other projectiles
« on: September 02, 2014, 05:47:37 PM »
Yeah, but I've always preferred Molotov cocktails. They're easier to get and I'm a bit of a pyromaniac ;D.

Mmmm, Molotov's...made my first one at age 7 or 8. I forget, that was around the time I got introduced to cannabis lol. No correlation ofc  ;D

General discussion / Re: Directions
« on: August 21, 2014, 06:51:41 PM »
I apologize if I seem short tempered or if I am acting like a pussy assed bitch in your personal opinion. I'm not interested in satisfying your expectations only accomplishing my goals. If you have a problem with that I would prefer that you keep your opinion to yourself, especially in the case that your opinion when expressed would decrease the effectiveness of the measures I take through this outlet to accomplish my aforementioned goals.

That's fine. If your only interested in accomplishing your goals, then accomplish them. Stop asking us for help unless you want to meet our expectations. If you want us to donate our time and effort to helping you, then youd damn well better be interested in satisfying our expectations of proper behavior. Otherwise feel free to piss off.

Also, telling him to keep his opinion to himself? All he did was link the search function for you. So how about you stint thy clep and keep your fucking arrogant opinions to yourself? You want a philosophical discussion, then start one. You want help, then act like a decent human being. If you cant do either of those, then get the FUCK OFF OF OUR BOARD. We owe you NOTHING.

I understand your opinion and appreciate how you worded it.

Think what you want, when you want, how you want. I have no desire to change thoughts, only behavior, if my desires don't get achieved I'll live; life isn't something that is so easy to satiate.

I will not further discuss this topic in a section that does not explicitly permit philosophical discussion. If there is not a section for such a topic I would request that those who dislike my dogma or moral values to PM as opposed to expressing their reasoning in this regard on threads I make to achieve logical responses, not emotional ones.
No desire to change thoughts, that is the first sign of a close-minded individual (which, btw, true hackers are not)
However, yes please. Do start a philosophical discussion. At this point in time, i don't like you and would relish a chance to further berate your lack of logic, manners, and normal brain functions in a longer thread. I'm begging you, make it.

Web Oriented Coding / Re: How To Solve This
« on: August 21, 2014, 05:46:38 PM »
Basically, $ isn't native CSS. Which is, i presume, why Schalla is asking where you got it from.

As for pagespeed,
google is pretty good at helping you understand what you can do on the page itself to speed it up. Such as JS that doesnt need to be run the nanosecond the page loads, move it to the bottom and the page will appear to load faster. Stuff like that.

General discussion / Re: Bioinformatics
« on: August 21, 2014, 05:38:32 PM »
From what I have seen so far, these excercises are just math and programming algorithms but applied to the field of bioinformatics, the first problem (take a DNA string of length S and count the number of time each letter shows up, output total count) is a problem that most teachers put on the homework in 2nd semester programming courses.

So I guess my advice to you would be to just ask your question, and see if anyone can help. I know for a fact that there are quite a few people on here more than capable of helping you understand the problems that you don't quite get.

General discussion / Re: Game Development and Hacking at university
« on: August 19, 2014, 11:15:52 PM »

lel, short and too the point. and here i thought it was from a game/movie... thanks ^_^

General discussion / Re: Game Development and Hacking at university
« on: August 19, 2014, 06:22:07 PM »
Sadly, something like 65% of the Comp Sci (computer science majors) at the university here transfer over to Information Technology after their first year or two of it. It can get rough fast if you don't have the brain for abstract theory, but I suggest not giving up. The programming theory and skills you learn in the first 3 or 4 courses you take will set the stage for 75% of the programming you do later on in life (in my experience) and then you will get into upper division where you learn theory, ai, os design, etc. Computer Science is quite possibly the most versatile computer related degree available, like Deque mentioned you can focus on the theory/ai/physics side and get into game engine/game ai design or perhaps after you take the required security courses (which vary from being a joke to being awesome, depending on the teacher) you may decide that afterall security is the route for you.

Comp Sci is the shit if you want a degree. Though if you like embedded systems, drones, robots, etc, i would check out Electrical Engineering and see if that is more your style

@deque, nice avatar btw. where is it from?

Found it on the Webs / Re: Game of Hacks
« on: August 11, 2014, 06:47:22 PM »
Wow, can't believe no ones replied to this yet. It's a pretty nifty little game for helping train your mind to identify vulnerabilites (ofc you still have to exploit it if its in the wild) and sometimes, just finding the vulnerability is the hardest part. Thanks for the share gray

Tutorials / Re: Assumption-based GPU Hash Cracking Theory
« on: July 25, 2014, 05:37:04 PM »
Notice me senpai!

Lol but on the real, thats interesting. However if your assuming that the password starts that way and/or ends with a number, you are also setting yourself up to take twice as long to crack it if they are in the half that doesnt because first you go through and bruteforce every possible combination, then realize it didnt work, then have to bruteforce again but this time with those 3 positions unset.

I'm just being a pessimist though, in reality your idea should speed up cracking at least 50% of the time. Though it might be worth coming up with a few other rules to run in parallel on other machines. Such as passwords that end with !! instead of numbers. Or end with ?.

General discussion / Re: Password managers, yay or nay?
« on: July 22, 2014, 05:56:31 PM »
I personally only use two different passwords but each is extremely long and complicated, it has never been hacked so i see no issue with having to get a password manager

No way!
It couldnt be...
Do i smell a...
oh my god it is! A CHALLENGE!


I'll be waiting for your hashed password, feel free to post or PM ;)

Hacking and Security / Re: Secapps website
« on: June 20, 2014, 06:10:22 PM »
An exploit is worth 25K $? You know I cloud buy a brand new car with this amount of money. What makes you think someone will pay this amount of money for an exploit?

Sadly, they do all the time. While it may seem outrageous to us plebians, that and more are dropped on spl0its every day.

Hacking and Security / Re: hacktivist
« on: June 12, 2014, 07:02:37 PM »
blah blah blah...

You guys of all people should know that if you are being watched, you are doing something wrong and that there are more then one way to get online without being watched or monitored.


No actually, what we know is that there is NO WAY of being online without being watched or monitored. All you can do is try to hide who they are watching, yet nevertheless you will be watched. The only way not to be is to unplug your computer, and never connect to the internet again.

Like soulei said, you should just do your best to reduce the crumbs you leave. Aside from unplugging, thats about all you can do.

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