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Messages - poscore

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Hacking and Security / Re: traceroute dont work from virtualbox
« on: August 24, 2012, 12:54:34 AM »
I have checked network settings and i think everything is ok. Everything is configured to NAT so the problem may be in the routing table as you can see below. :)

Code: [Select]
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags   MSS Window  irtt Iface
default         UG        0 0          0 eth0        *        U         0 0          0 eth0
link-local      *          U         0 0          0 eth0

now the other wuestion is HOW i configure this correctly? I know some things about routing and networks but i dont think i can make something like this, :/ Any help boys(and girls :P)?

Hacking and Security / Re: traceroute dont work from virtualbox
« on: August 24, 2012, 12:20:59 AM »
thx for answers. i ll give it a try :)

Hacking and Security / traceroute dont work from virtualbox
« on: August 23, 2012, 10:46:20 PM »
hello. Does anyone knows why i cant traceroute from wirtualbox?

the result is:

Code: [Select]
1 ***
2 ***

I have done the same from my host comeputer and everything is ok. What is happening? :)

thank you in advance

Hacking and Security / Re: Question about TOR project
« on: August 19, 2012, 05:57:37 PM »
Thank you for your answers. I am not trying to do something illegal now. Al least now :P I am trying to secure my self so much that at least i cant hack myself.

Its very bad reading in the internet that TOR is great anonymity and is everything you want...

I was thinking about seting up a firewall in virtualbox and make his ip as a gateway for me PC. Any usefull links about this? I think that would be great for starting over this.

Hacking and Security / Re: Question about TOR project
« on: August 18, 2012, 05:44:35 PM »
Ok, thank you. Any ideas what should i do with the programs? Also, you said not to use it caz it dont acctually hide my ip?

Hacking and Security / Question about TOR project
« on: August 18, 2012, 05:25:50 PM »
Hi, i downloaded TOR and i opened a TOR brower where my IP has changed !  Happy to see this. There is one question though...

If i use command line or some programs to hack something or ping something etc what would my ip be? My real one or the fake one? Also from chrome i can see my real and not fake ip. could someone explain this to me?

thank you

I not only search your forum but google too. You see, i havent found a solution yet so i made a post :) Well, i found a driver and firmware but i cant install them. Some error occured in compiling. As i searched i saw many people with that error but there was not any working solution. I hope i find it here.

EDIT: My card IS SUPPORTED so, i just have to find how to install the driver.

You think i should buy an adapter? like

Hello, i have an Acer aspire with broadcom  wireless card BCM43225  and backtrack 5 R2. I want to install the wireless driver but i cant 4 days now. Can anyone help me? I dont know many things about installing drivers in backtrack so i have a problem here :/ I have searched in google and i downloaded driver and firmware from a link but its not working. Dont know what to do :(

thank you very much :)

Web Oriented Coding / Re: Instant writting in a field
« on: August 01, 2012, 11:55:37 PM »
Ok, ill definitely gonna program this function according to the new links and the old one. One more source is in about jQuery Tutorial.thank you for your help

Web Oriented Coding / Re: Instant writting in a field
« on: August 01, 2012, 07:50:44 PM »
Well, itried something at my local server and basically i think this does not work for me. You have to Submit the form so as to get some output data right? I would like as the user writes in the form automatically it searches the database. :/ I hope my question is clear :/

Web Oriented Coding / Re: Instant writting in a field
« on: August 01, 2012, 03:49:43 PM »
I hope this works. I' ll try this tommorw and update the post.

Web Oriented Coding / Instant writting in a field
« on: August 01, 2012, 01:15:15 PM »
Hello, i am delevoping a PHP project using HTML, PHP, MySQL, CSS. I have a field like a dropdown menu where the options are taken from a database. They just told me that there could be 500 options too. So i can not leave it like this! :D It would be perfect to have a input field where the user start writing some text and it instant filter the results. Something like google instant search. I hope this is clear! :)

The problem is that i have no idea of jquery or javascript :/ Could someone help me out? Maybe give me a link or code or some other help? :/

Thank you guys :)

That passed though my head result dammed :(

I got a problem now. Everything went fine, i downloaded, i went to the file and run it ^^ The problem is:
Failed to open service Manager: No Error

[size=78%]i wouldnt ask again for help BUT the is "no error". Its a bit complicated! I am out of ideas guys...tried to fix some erros from my computer about the registry and all went fine. Nothing changed... :/[/size]

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