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Messages - t2nator

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Hacking and Security / Re: New to Forum, need some suggestions
« on: June 12, 2012, 03:50:48 PM »
Fair enough, so lets say its a person new to hacking. Would that be possible? I've always assumed a good start is to scan for open ports on the network, then try and infiltrate any of them.

Hacking and Security / New to Forum, need some suggestions
« on: June 12, 2012, 05:15:36 AM »
Hey everyone! I am currently a college student attempting a Computer Science degree. So far I have been primarily been studying c++, with a little bit of Java in the mix. I also have been playing around with html, php, and MySQL for a couple years but am still a novice at best.  I currently have a job as an IT Administrator, and I am experienced as far as setting up domain networks, VPN's, etc. I want to start off by asking how hard, from experience, is it to hack a Windows Server 2008 R2 domain? Let me develop an example: Say you are at a Starbucks, you bring your laptop and see that that the wireless signal from another building is strong enough to connect. So you connect and because the people who set up the network did no put that wireless on a separate subnet it is part of the domain subnet. From their what would be your next move to gain access to... let's say the command prompt of the domain controller??? :)

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