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Messages - Conch

Pages: [1] 2
Anonymity and Privacy / Re: Anonymous Torrenting
« on: August 21, 2013, 11:28:43 PM »
You should consider investing in a VPN (Yes, paid) which is entirely for the use of Torrent downloads.

However, this doesn't limit you to just torrents, but they're are based on that purpose.
Peerblock is good, but if you do buy a VPN, research into stopping DNS leaks inside Windows.

DNS leaks + Torrent VPN = Useless.
I use GNU/Linux everyday so never get dns leaks.

Sure enough, you might think "Well torrents are free, if I buy a VPN then torrenting is no longer free"
I thought the same, but I'd rather have protection than a 'Go to jail card'

It's well worth it, considering you can get 3 months, easily for under 15$.

Free VPNs are useless also, they don't allow P2P or heavy traffic (which is completely understandable)

Two Paid Torrent VPNs I'm aware of currently: << More expensive that TorrentPrivacy but has multiple server locations and connections (PPTP, L2TP, SSTP)

Well, when I joined a year ago or so, there was actually an anti-noob question upon registering.
It involved a math equation, this is helpful for not bringing 11 year old skids in, and I think if people just want to post once, they wouldn't bother working out the math.

Maybe the admin could implement another security question on registration, maybe something regarding computer security?

Then the person who would like to join, would have to answer both the math equation and a computer oriented question.

Just a thought.

Awesome! Many thanks, Relax.
I'll try editing now and test the outcome.

Tack mycket bra.  ;D

Basically, I'm on temporary internet at the moment and I'm connected to an access point which isn't in my own house.
I also have an Android netbook, the default networking/WiFi scanner in Android won't pick up the AP. So I want to bridge wlan0 (The hotspot) and wlan1 (The internet via AP)

I've done my research but I'm at an end, I've set up an Adhoc for wlan0 and set up ipv4 to connect computer to computer.

However when I connect to wlan0 (The hotspot) with my netbook it just disconnects, on Youtube, I was told by the author of the video an ethernet is required for the connection, I tried the ethernet but it just tries to link through eth0 instead of wlan0

I hope you guys can help me :)

Hacking and Security / Re: how to create a WPA password finder
« on: October 02, 2012, 04:28:48 PM »
Breaking through the WPS barrier with its vulnerability is the best way on a slow laptop.
I have a 2.2 Ghz laptop myself and was able to retrieve a 100% working WPA PSK key in a matter of 12 hours.

If you have a fast machine, go for Bruteforce or dictionary attack but WPS is far more efficient IMO on a network AP that doesn't have too many lock outs.

This is fantastic. Wow I'd love to build one.
I haven't read it all but I presume there is no internet access, just peer 2 peer?
I don't know how to explain as I'm not very good with networking.
I'd love to sit on the train and have one of these!

Tutorials / Brief Introduction To Piracy 101. [Usenet - Linux]
« on: September 30, 2012, 09:18:05 PM »

                       ||| UseNet Piracy For EZ |||
                              Written By Conch.
Hello Evilzone,
Seeing as I haven't yet made a tutorial on here, I wanted to make something which isn't already on here, and something that people may benefit from.

So firstly, I always see and hear in the media about the government trying to control piracy, in the UK, we've been struck on hard, not only is just about every ISP blocking Sweden's Pirate Bay but now you'll be put on a list.

Sure enough, you can't go wrong with getting free movies, but there are some great alternatives out there at a very small price.

After all, if you're trying to evade TPB, most likely you'd use a high speed Virtual Private Network. (I know I use one to evade ISP blocks)

Today I'll be talking about Usenet.

What is usenet?
Usenet is a worldwide distributed Internet discussion system. It was developed from the general purpose UUCP architecture of the same name.
Duke University graduate students Tom Truscott and Jim Ellis conceived the idea in 1979 and it was established in 1980.[1]Users read and post messages (called articles or posts, and collectively termed news) to one or more categories, known asnewsgroups. Usenet resembles a bulletin board system (BBS) in many respects, and is the precursor to the various Internet forums that are widely used today. Usenet can be superficially regarded as a hybrid between email and web forums. Discussions are threaded, with modern news reader software, as with web forums and BBSes, though posts are stored on the server sequentially.

Sums it up quite easy.
Now I may be ranting on a little and I'm sure you'll want to know what you will need in order to start downloading content.

1. A Newsreader.
2. A Newzbin Website.
3. PyParity.
4. A Brain.

Because I run a Linux system, my option of a powerfull newsreader is "Pan"
So I run the command..
Code: [Select]
sudo apt-get install pan

Now comes the Newzbin website, there are a lot out there but the best IMO is
Code: [Select]

I Highly recommend VIP on nzbMatrix, due to the fact it allows longer 'Retention'
And other lovely surprises.

Retention is the date that a newzbin file has been stored on the server, the longer the Retention the older the file, so the more retention you have, the more you'll be able to download!

You'll also be needing a Usenet provider, you use 'Pan' to connect to the Usenet provider to download from NZBMatrix. Sounds complicated?
It really isn't, it just makes practice & practice makes perfect. :)

It's really easy, honest.
My personal favourite Usenet Provider is
Code: [Select]

Ok so you got everything you need? & you want to start? Ok good.

Start up Pan, and you'll need to fill out the details for the server (I'll use Giganews)

Code: [Select]
Port: 119
Username: Giganews E-mail address.
Password: Giganews Password.

The rest can be left as default.
Allow 2 minutes for the newz to download and we're ready.

Head over to NZBMatrix, choose a file > Go to Pan > File > Import NZB File > Choose your file > Choose a location where you want the files downloaded to.

So that's all there is to know really.. apart from one thing.

Usenet uses "Parity" files, they're needed with the main zip/rar files in case of breakage, the parity files 'Fix' the archives for a successful unrar.

Code: [Select]
sudo apt-get install pyparAfter each file you download from NZBMatrix, run the par files through pypar, repair them all and extract.

I wanted to keep this brief so I hope everything is understood.
Hope you guys like!
Warm regards  ;D

P.s Sorry if some of this info is wrong, I will correct if need be. :)

Android / Re: HELP!?!?!??!
« on: September 30, 2012, 02:23:45 PM »
It's too big to lose, you'd spot it a mile away.  ;D

Just kidding, hehe.
Yeah just go to the police, they can track the phone even if it's switched off.
If it's still under warranty, you could get a replacement too and block the old phone. :)

Found it on the Webs / Re: God has been found!! And his name is google?
« on: September 24, 2012, 08:54:55 AM »
Even the URL made me giggle.

"Church Of Google"  :P

Anonymity and Privacy / Re: How is Hotspotshield?
« on: September 22, 2012, 10:55:44 PM »
How do you know? :)

I could have, but I never noticed.  ;D

Anonymity and Privacy / Re: How is Hotspotshield?
« on: September 22, 2012, 08:50:15 PM »
I've been a GNU/Linux user for about 6 years.
It's hard to migrate at first, I had a dream when I was younger that I would let my imagination go wild and create some cool Flash movies.
Unfortunately Adobe Flash is a no no inside Linux, it runs in WINE but the stability isn't so good.
I found a great alternative though, called 'Pencil' which is great for animating over vectors.

Another thing I missed was gaming too, but you can get basically anything running in Linux with a few tweaks, for example, I wanted to run my favourite point and click game called "The Longest Journey" I had the official CD but it would not run in any Wine version as there was a problem with the shading, so I studied deep into Google for days, found the solution that several contributers of Wine released Patches, I compiled a Wine prefix, added the patches and the game works perfect.

Another game that I love is World of Warcraft, this runs in almost any Wine version with no edits/tweaks.

Linux is all about Trial and error, but it's fun and you'll gain a huge achievement of accomplishment.

Also, I'd like to add, In all the 6 years of running Linux, I've had none, zero, nada viruses at all, and only 2 kernel panics.

In Windows, I had 5+ BSOD in the first month I used it!

Hope this helps :)

Hacking and Security / Re: Learning *nix, great site
« on: September 21, 2012, 09:57:50 AM »
Thank you for the share, Daemon.
Love wargame websites :) I'll take a look.

The old school hacker room looks simply amazing.
I wish my house was like that.
And the old dialup sound <3

Found it on the Webs / Re: Big Brother is Watching
« on: September 13, 2012, 07:26:04 PM »
I don't mind, I never use TPB, or any other torrent websites, they suck the crap out of my bandwidth and I end up kicking myself offline because I'm on a stock router, I get booted offline after I end up causing a Denial of Service on myself due to high bandwidth.

I use, usenet, I think it's far more efficient.
Plus, I don't really think I'm breaking the law, I have over 100 dvds, cds and games.
If I like a DVD after I've downloaded it, I buy it over the internet or purchase in a shop, I like to keep a collection of my favourites, and also support the devs/producers :)

Creative Arts / Re: My first .gif (DangerousLlama Sig)
« on: September 13, 2012, 07:16:07 PM »
Hehe, love it!
I have some llamas in a field near my house, about 10 minutes away.
They're so cute.  :P

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