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Messages - jeyanthinath

Pages: [1]
Web Oriented Coding / PHP or Nodejs for simple site ?
« on: October 08, 2014, 07:33:42 AM »
Hey guys, I am planning to create a small website with news feeds (contents change on a particular interval).

I know php, but I find in internet that nodejs is so good for website Dev.

I planning to use a responsive template (coz that will be handy and I know little bit in web design) and edit it and inject the dynamic contents..

What shall I do , go with php or nodejs Suggestions please..

I am going to develop an Application to
  • Check phone number availability (The Phone Number that are Active ) in India
I'll give a list of phone number to my software and it will (process and Calls ) every number to find is it available or the number is not in use  !!

Whether i had to develop the application in C# or any framework or any software  is available .
I tried in the Google but I cant find the exact Idea to Kick-start the project.

Because I am in a Beginners stage about this project , so suggest your opinions

Web Oriented Coding / How to Develop a Web Browser
« on: May 19, 2013, 03:22:35 PM »
Guys ,  I want to develop a web browser ,extremely  simple web browser( Language I gonna plan to use is C )

Please give me your suggestion to start with browser development !

I have a year of experience in C programming

Please help me to start

(Thanks in Advance )

Web Oriented Coding / Need php code in creating WYSIWYG Text Editor
« on: April 23, 2013, 05:34:54 PM »
I am creating a blog in php , i tried a lot but i cant able to come up with the solution. I want coding regarding WYSIWYG Text Editor  :o

I want
  • Video Embedding Feature
  • Photo Inserting Feature
  • Spell Check Features
in the WYSISYG text Editor

Please sombody help me with the code
Thanks in advance

Operating System / OS Dev
« on: September 16, 2012, 09:23:52 AM »
Want to Know about the OS_Dev learn from the Experts.
Visit This Link
I think every one of this community knows about it.
But I think i will be help full to beginners.

Operating System / Re: Is it possible to make a modyfied/own Os ?
« on: September 12, 2012, 09:16:57 AM »
To create an OS you need to know about the kernel !!!
So learn about Kernel and then you will be able to do what ever you want !!!

The Kernel learning book are available at the E-Book Section ...

C - C++ / Re: Learning C above the Basics Level ???
« on: September 07, 2012, 06:39:55 PM »
This may sound strange, but learning C to a higher level is less about what you read and more about what you research.  Finding a new book on the C language isn't going to automatically push you to a new level.  Try to create some programs and as you're coming up with designs for new software, research your goals and develop techniques(as well as researching other techniques that you come across) to accomplish what you're trying to do.  For example, you may decide to create a function to output uniform error messages and from that idea you may come up with a design that would require accepting an arbitrary number of arguments.  After some research, you learn about variable argument lists and how printf & the like really work.  You may also determine how to properly use assert and how some slightly more advanced macros can be used for interesting things like doing positional argument exchanges.  Perhaps you may even discover interesting things about how to do coroutines in C(something that the language itself generally doesn't support, as a design fault).  Moving to a higher level isn't necessarily found in what you's found in what you learn whilst trying to DO.

Anywho..for book suggestions, one of my biggest & favourite books is: The Standard C Library

Good luck && have fun!

Thanks i have downloaded the ebook for reading and i added it in the Ebook section

I gonna learn it  (Art of Exploration also) ..

Thanks Guys ...

C - C++ / Re: Learning C above the Basics Level ???
« on: September 06, 2012, 12:37:27 PM »
What about the C primer plus book lucid posted?

Its like 800+pages of C knowledge

Thanks I downloaded i will download it !!!

How to became a hacker instead of a ordinary programmer ...

C - C++ / Re: Learning C above the Basics Level ???
« on: September 04, 2012, 06:30:25 PM »
I would strongly reccomend this book as well as  it is a relatively compressed book for all the knowledge it contains and was written by the creators of c. I like the practicality of the book as it presents practical 'programming' problems. A  sufficient understanding of computer systems organisation and architecture(low-level)  is as a prerequisite as the author does explain in the intro that it is not written for beginners.

I already learned it to a level and I Promise no one can return such book but it does not more and more details about C (I am asking for professional level)..

C - C++ / Learning C above the Basics Level ???
« on: August 03, 2012, 04:34:58 PM »
I know C to some extend   :P , but i can't learn it up to the higher range  :-X

Can some one suggest any ideas about it ?? :o 

Which book i have to follow to get Complete Mastering in C  8)  " .

Operating System / How do I became a Linux Developer !!!
« on: July 18, 2012, 08:11:15 AM »
I really want to contribute some code to the Linux ??

How i became a Volunteer Linux Developer !!!  8)

C - C++ / Re: [C++]using String
« on: July 04, 2012, 04:09:24 PM »
somethings to add!

using pointers instead of direct String.h helps...... you get a better understanding of allocations and working with pointers...

you can manipulate strings with your own functions such as reversing, searching etc.

for a beginner one must learn how to do it himself and later open the string.h and study it....

always use what you have written yourself as long as you can

the Better idea is to go with him because the Pointer are the most effective thing that is available with C/C++ (The Powerful things)

So go more with more examples on "Arrays and Pointers"

It would be little more better than using inbuilt function...

In C there is not String datatype to hang-on ...

Pages: [1]

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