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Messages - Equanimity

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Hacking and Security / Re: Help for a noob
« on: June 09, 2012, 11:42:39 PM »
This has been answered many times and the thing is, hacking is such a big topic, you can start off anywhere. As you've stated HTML and JS in your post, I'll take it that you want to look into web hacking, right?

Well if that's the case then you should look at learning HTML and JS and then from there move on to PHP and then from there go into hacking. After getting comfortable with PHP I suggest you look at SQLi; we have a great tutorial here on the forums:

Not so much for web hacking but hacking in general, web or anything else.

Hacking and Security / Help for a noob
« on: June 09, 2012, 11:11:36 PM »
Hi i'm super new to this, hacking always stricked my curiosity and now since it's summer and i have it off i'd love to learn as much as I can.

So can you please tell me what Ì should start off with? Maybe HTML or JavaScripts before jumping into things.


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