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Messages - iamwhoamnot

Pages: [1]
General discussion / Re: HackHound is gone ?
« on: February 24, 2012, 07:19:27 PM »
thats interesting, i wonder if anyone new will come under control of the domain in the future

General discussion / Re: other forums
« on: October 31, 2011, 01:25:36 AM »
:P i do love dogs

im interested in music, psychology, almost all things technology, i guess im really looking for suggestions based on what forums and communities you all like cause i consider you guys kindred spirits.

General discussion / other forums
« on: October 31, 2011, 12:57:08 AM »
hey guys

i really enjoy forums, i feel they are a great place for community thought, but im only a member of a few, mostly in various hacking fields where i find them immensely useful.

can anyone recommend any really good NON HACKING AND SECURITY forums?

im interested in almost everything, and id like to start expanding my horizons and learn some new things.

thanks for the consideration

if anyone has an invite to one they think i would enjoy dont hesitate to pm me =]

General discussion / Re: Best Freely Available Wordlists?
« on: September 20, 2011, 05:39:33 PM »
back when i was messing with wpa cracking i found a nifty tool that would allow me to edit large amounts of text without freezing and would search for dupes, i then took all the lists i had found and compiled them into one 11 gig monster. it took 3 days on 2 quad core computers with a cuda graphics card in each before it finished. i forget the name of the text utility but i used an elcomsoft tool to do a distributed wordlist attack, it had much better speeds than any program i used before it

General discussion / Good Seedbox host?
« on: June 07, 2011, 05:13:11 PM »
hey guys! ive recently been playing with the idea of renting a seedbox, can anyone recommend a good plan/company? there are so many options i dont want to get ripped off.

nubuntu was what i was thinking of, i found a torrent, thanks for the help everyone! :D

I vaguely remember hearing somewhere of a linux distro similar to back track but based on ubuntu. ive done some googling around and i havent found anything too promising. Does anyone have an idea of what i may be thinking of?

i bought a cheap pull up bar on the internet and its one of the best purchases ive ever made. every day i try to do ten or 15 when i wake up, then i try to do more every time i walk by it. since its in the doorway to my room thats easy to do, its been great for my upper body

Operating System / Re: Proj3ct Pho3nix
« on: April 21, 2011, 06:04:00 AM »
i can do testing if you ever want to throw an iso my way. i can test on a macbook pro and a sony vaio mini laptop.

Hardware / Re: My new toy I just ordered
« on: February 27, 2011, 03:08:06 AM »
You should be careful with this dongle. If it's really 2000mW you might want to keep it as far as possible from you or just power it down. After all that's the same frequency as in your microwave oven. I don't think you want to boil your eyes or balls lol.

I have this dongle:

And it works really well with the aircrack-ng suite (same chipset).

mW is for power not frequency, it isnt any more dangerous than a cell phone

Pages: [1]

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