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Messages - Dr.Evil

Pages: [1]
Hacking and Security / Re: What is a Hacker? [debate]
« on: January 16, 2011, 11:22:11 PM »
In my opinion, a hacker (In computer scene) is someone that understand the machines better than most of humans does. A hacker is someone that have a special relationships to eletronics (no fetish or something like that) and want to dig deeper into the systems to understand them even more. A hacker is always seeking for knownledge. A classic hacker type is male, with glasses that doesn't have many friends in real life (Joke that is just hollywood hacker style).

Well basicly i mean, a hacker is someone that loves knownledge when it comes to systems, he loves to program, create tools and the most important of all, he is someone that normal people that doesn't understand machines can ask for help from.

That is what i think a hacker is (white hat hacker).

Pages: [1]

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