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Messages - D1G1T4LM4N_616

Pages: [1]
General discussion / dayummm, nostalgia.
« on: September 08, 2012, 06:57:35 AM »
it's been a long time guys. some of you may remember me I joined here 2008/2009 and was quite active back then. then after the site went through a bit of turmoil one Christmas someone intro'd me to some other forums. I still checked back here from time to time to see if this place was still running [ which I'm glad it is :) ] and i just remembered my password xD so i figured I'd just log in, say hey and see how everyone's doing.

I have made a few threads here and there saying I'm "coming back" but this is more just a "how is everyone" thread.

I've seen ande and Factionwars. any of the other old faces still around? evilhacker? ITph03n1x? bamnigguh? sorry if i missed any but my memory is pretty crap lol.

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