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Messages - ghost

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Anonymity and Privacy / Re: How to stay Anonymous when Hacking ?
« on: May 27, 2012, 09:17:22 AM »
Are you talking about simply anonymizing your IP?
 Or when you say fear of being "traced", does that include people who may have access to your HD?
 Assuming the former, you have:
 1) VPN
 2) Route through hacked system
 3) Find anonymous proxy that's not blocked
 4) You can possibly spoof packets depending on what you're trying to do, but if you are trying to access a website (Hence TCP), this won't work.
 5) Get a free/paid shell and route through that.
 Also, with TOR, people typically only block the exit nodes. It might be worth a try to set up TOR to use a relay node as your exit node, and see if you are still blocked. I don't remember the specifics of this, but I've seen that it's possible via TOR config.
 You may also want to take a look at chaining one or multiple methods/systems, depending on the situation.

You gotta lay off the space and punctuation button mate. You only need one punctuation after a sentence and no need to have space in front of your sentences on new lines and there is also no need for 10 new lines at the end of your post.
Ok,I will keep that in mind.

With that said; The topic you are trying to discuss/talk about here is a somewhat tabu topic for most of us. Not because we don't know how it works but because its considered lame, stupid, skiddy, ignorant and so forth. Nonetheless, I will try to shed some light on this.
I did't know that.I was just trying to gather some knowledge. Thanks for your help.

The chances of getting that back are pretty slim mate, sorry....Install this on your new laptop if u bye one...

The thing is that i tried a lot to search this informations on google....but did't get anything ....and every time i ask someone they just told me to google it. :( :( ....the only thing i was able to find was..

UDP & Slowloris
 Both are different variations of DoS, with the same purpose in mind.
 UDP is the best way to attack home connections. The way it works is that a UDP packet is sent to the target server/connection, and the server tries to determine what application is going to use the port that the UDP packet was sent to. When the server realises that no application is going to use that port, it releases an ICMP packet to the address that the UDP packet was sent from, however, the UDP Packet will have a spoofed source address. When enough UDP packets are doing this, it renders the connection unusable...
      But i wanted to know more..So i though that there might be someone here who can actually help me with i posted it here......btw thanks for your reply....and i will check the sites u mentioned on your post.......Thanks


Hackbar........i use firefox....

Hacking and Security / Someone Enlighten Me in the World of Shells
« on: May 23, 2012, 08:48:31 AM »
I am seeking knowledge on different shell types. I would like to know everything (or at least a sufficient amount of information) regarding the following shell types.. Pretty much what they do, pro-cons, that kind of stuff..
  • UDP Shells
  • SSYN Shells
  • TCP Shells
  • DRDos Shells
  • Slowloris Shells
  • Sockloris Shells

 Now, I didn't really come here to be told to go use Google or the search function.bcz i did so and get nothing........
 Well, there's only one way to learn. So if someone wouldn't mind clearly explaining to me what the different types of shells are, how they work, etc., I would greatly appreciate it.
 Thank you in advance.

Pages: [1]

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