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Messages - evilhacker

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Hardware / Re: Recommendations for Android Phones.
« on: January 03, 2016, 02:18:55 AM »
If you're planning on switching to Android then I'd suggest you look at some of the latest Nexus models that run pure stock Android without any bloatware (in most cases useless crap many manufacturers tend to stuff their phones with).

If you find them too expensive for your budget then I'd suggest Moto G 3rd Gen Turbo Edition (Hell, even the original model is not that bad). A friend of mine recently bought it and from the looks of it, it's quite an impressive phone for its price if you do not care about any fancy features such as fingerprint sensors and whatnot.

You have most likely made a decision already, but whatever, I'll share my opinion on this.

News and Announcements / Re: Change in administration, again.
« on: September 21, 2015, 12:54:32 AM »
Congrats! You deserve it.

General discussion / Re: Mental illness?
« on: July 05, 2015, 01:31:27 AM »
Read my reply in the topic.
I had same shit also, it evolved too untill I said it's enough.
Break away from your confort zone asap, talk to girls, dare yourself to do "crazy" things. Trust me on this :) Either go crazy or learn to deal with ur illness. What is better? :P
I like your story.

That is exactly what the tapes and book taught me. I try to ignore the anxious feelings and just go on with my life, do my daily tasks and keep a strong will and I feel like I am slowly progressing and recovering.

Is Sven still a thing? Dev hasn't been active for years afaik.
Yes. There is actually a version 5.0 with many improvements and new feature scoming soon that will be available as a free stanadlone game at the Steam store.

Just wanted to say I used to play that back in the days, halflife(sven coop) is awesome.
I would need something to run it on but its good times.
Steam appears to be multi-platform. I remember a while go installing Half-Life from Steam on Linux Mint and it worked just fine.

Does anybody here play Half-Life multiplayer or the popular mod Sven Co-Op? I sometimes host a dedicated server and play HL multiplayer with friends and sometimes we do various Sven Co-Op maps.

If any of you here have the game on Steam then leave a reply and maybe we could have some fun some day and take a break from all the work with some nice mass killing and ruckus. :)

General discussion / Re: Mental illness?
« on: June 14, 2015, 01:26:33 AM »
Nervous illness. I've been through a lot of stress for quite a long time which gave awful results. I easily get irritated and anxious from minor things.

If i smoke weed, I get panic attacks and feel like I am going to die, so I had to quit.
Drinking coffee also makes me nervous and anxious, had to quit that too.
Hangovers also make me anxious.

Some time ago I listened to Claire Weekes' tapes ( and At Last a Life by Paul David (
They sure helped but did not manage to cure me completely.

Anxiety and panic attacks used to be with me pretty much 24/7 until i read those helpful books and tapes. Fortunately, now it is only being caused by the things mentioned above.

I just know it's a mental problem. If you get yourself occupied, distracted and not think about it, the anxiety goes away.

General discussion / Re: Good horror movies?
« on: February 16, 2015, 01:54:12 AM »
I recently saw The Mist and it was pretty awesome.
Good movie, and great ending too.

The Hannibal Lecter Triology with Anthony Hopkins:
 - Silence of the Lambs
 - Hannibal
 - Red Dragon

Splice is fucking awkward. There's also The Cube, but it's hardly scary. Sorta entertaining though. Saw, even though a lot of people have suggested it.
I can't stand FD. It's the only movie I get up and get out of the room when someone puts it on. I literally have a phobia of Final Destination. Especially the fifth.
Haven't seen any of those movies so I will check them out. Thanks guys.

General discussion / Re: Good horror movies?
« on: December 31, 2014, 12:27:41 AM »
I realise this thread is quite old now, but winter is here and I need some good horror movies again to go to sleep through these long nights. Please post your suggestions. :)

Found it on the Webs / Bypass Payment in RealLifeCam (New method)
« on: March 14, 2014, 11:12:54 AM »
So a while ago I shared a tampermonkey script (which I just noticed ended up with 118k views, holy shit!) that would help you bypass the required membership subscription and allow you to watch the locked rooms such as the bedroom and bathrooms.

Unfortunately, the guys @ RLC have patched that so here is another way. So I won't go all technical in details about this new method, but this time we will actually be using a program that will generate HTML files with Flow Player embed and it manages to connect to the locked rooms without any problems.


You basically need to start the RLC executable, choose a couple and room on the left side and then click load. It will then create a HTML file inside the exe file's folder. Simply open it with your browser and enjoy the show.

I have no accurate source for this program as it was given to me by a friend who also doesn't know the exact source. But according to VirusTotal, the file appears to be 100% clean.

Android / Re: Xposed Framework for Android
« on: March 12, 2014, 11:37:39 PM »
the ones that I use are..

Boot Manager
Activity Force New Task
Xposed GEL Settings
Those are some nice modules. I recently got GravityBox on tablet running a stock Android ROM and it also can be considered as good as XBlast Tools and Wanam Xposed in terms of an "all in one" tweaks module.

Found it on the Webs / Re: Increase Reading Speed (wpm)
« on: March 12, 2014, 11:33:46 PM »
It's decent to read long badly formatted sentences as you sometimes get lost. Then again, this new reading method would require some time to get used to (at least for me).

Thanks for the share. :)

Android / Xposed Framework for Android
« on: March 09, 2014, 11:08:38 PM »
This is a pretty old project now as it has been released about 2 years ago but seeing as no one has mentioned it here, I thought I'd share it to those of you who never heard of it.

Quote from: Technical details from developer
I extended the /system/bin/app_process executable to load a JAR file on startup. The classes of this file will sit in every process (including the one for system services) and can act with their powers. And even more: I have implemented something that allows developers to replace any method in any class (may it be in the framework, systemui or a custom app). This makes Xposed very powerful. You can change parameters for the method call, modify the return value or skip the call to the method completely - it's all up to you! Also replacing or adding resources is easy.

If you, like me, enjoy customizing your rom to your own taste, say goodbye to the old irritating decompiling, compiling and pushing methods as with this framework you can modify your system by ticking and unticking boxes.

Another great thing is that this framework actually has an online repository @ in which you can download all sorts of modules that give you all sorts of modification abilities.

A few examples are Wanam Xposed which I often use to customize my TouchWiz rom and XBlast Tools for more general roms.

You can get the latest Xposed installer @

Simply download the apk file and install it. Run it from the app drawer, go to Framework and choose Install/Update.

Android / Re: [Android]Games you play?
« on: November 26, 2013, 12:25:44 PM »
Used to play the Angry Birds series regularly but after some time they became quite irritating as it's the same old thing with a slightly different gameplay and obstacles.

I enjoy playing Hill Climb Racing, Asphalt 6, The Sandbox and some more brain and puzzles like Cut the Rope.

General discussion / Re: Some really old EZ stuff
« on: October 09, 2013, 12:31:31 PM »
Just digged up some more blast from the past.

When the green website was shut down and the forum was about to be born

Free service for contributing members :)

Evilzone's first file storage service was born

Screenshot of EZ with the old AA New Damage SMF theme - hint: we see ande with his old nickname :)

Hmm, interesting...

Yes, EZ had a torrent tracker temporary


Part of old Evilzone's boards - sorry for the white background, internet was barely loading at the time the screenie was taken

When it was all about defacemenets and making people's lives miserable

When Odin got banned by ande for rage flooding the forum - this was when ande took over EvilZone and from then began changing it to what it is today

So far the only things I could dig up.

The group still seems to exist @ Google Groups to this very day and at any time you can join and read some old messages -!forum/hackers-heaven

General discussion / Re: Some really old EZ stuff
« on: October 08, 2013, 05:16:45 PM »
You posted it yourself a while ago. :)
I'll just leave that here:

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