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Messages - zetafruit

Pages: [1]
Hacking and Security / Discreet VNC Server/Client
« on: May 22, 2012, 02:33:43 AM »
Recently began running the campaign for a friend of mine who is running for a student association at my college.  A competitor used something like KisMET to gain access to my friend's wifi and deleted our registration information from our (admittedly unprotected) network drive.

In two day's I'll have a limited window of opportunity to get a VNC server onto the opponent's computer.  Obviously this is a better solution than being a little bitch and snitching.  I'll likely be able to uninstall the server from the remote client, but I need something discreet and (if it exists) something that will run in the system's RAM after the ejection of a flash drive, which I would be able to run it off of.

I've looked at tightVNC and tightVNC portable, but neither fits my needs exactly, and I don't have time to delve into the source and try to modify it.  Any suggestions of free software that I could pull this off with?


EDIT: I'm running Mac OS X and my "friend" is running Windows XP.  Cross-platformability is preferred.  Thanks again.

Pages: [1]

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