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Messages - centizen

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General discussion / Re: What are your favorite songs?
« on: November 16, 2012, 01:51:06 AM »
God that halo theme was fucking awesome. Never owned an xbox in my life but love halo.

I've been smitten with this song for quite a while. It's also by Dream Theater. I am a sucker for progressive metal.

Projects and Discussion / Re: Rewriting the Zeus Botnet in Python!!
« on: November 16, 2012, 12:36:53 AM »
Well, the fact that it was based off of win32 keyboard hooks kind of screws that one up; but you make a very good point about python/malware in general

Found it on the Webs / Re: Not sure what to make of this-Error
« on: November 14, 2012, 11:25:49 PM »
Basically, like the guy above said; the website database has to many users on it to be able to take on another user.

This happens for various reasons. Poor programming (not having DB connections closed when the user is done with them); denial of service attacks or just plain lot's of traffic on the site. Try again at 4am lol; you might have better luck.

Projects and Discussion / Re: Rewriting the Zeus Botnet in Python!!
« on: November 13, 2012, 03:44:10 PM »
Yeah, python is a great prototyping tool; but Java or C#/C++ is a far better option for writing malware.

At one point I wrote a keylogger in python; which was near useless due to the fact that the target either needed a python interpreter already or I needed to slipstream it into an .exe which usually ended up around 7mb's in size. It just made it too unwieldy to be used in any real situation.

With Java or C*; your program becomes machine code/bytecode, which is a lot better than interpreting commands. Since most malware works simply by leveraging issues in the windows API, there is just no reason to want to use python except ease of initial programming. 

General discussion / Re: So, what do you do?
« on: September 14, 2012, 12:23:30 AM »
Ok so everyone has a better job then me.

@ Daemon - No, no it's not interesting at all.

Maybe right now; but nobody starts work at the top. You will get there soon, everyone has to put in their time. Just keep working at it.

I work currently as a Network Technician for a township in Southern Ontario. It's a good job, and my boss and I are great friends.

Perhaps if the whole thing was being perpetrated by some monolithic entity then it would be acceptable for you to do such a thing p_2001 but that's not the people at the phone's decision, that's company policy. When you act out against these individuals, you do nothing but disservice them as a person and do nothing to those who are involved with what you hate.

Also full disclosure; I didn't notice there was a second page to this thread before I posted. But honestly it dosen't look like things went anywhere...

General discussion / Re: Fun at school
« on: August 23, 2012, 02:56:28 PM »

If your going to do this; make SURE AS HELL you don't get caught again. They will more than likely expel you if you do.

So, what you should do is get a hold of an local administrator account; which you can do by using a program like loginrecovery or at the very least get a student account that is not your which you can use to keep heat off of you. Hardware keyloggers are fun for this

Next; I will bet they are using a program like RM Tutor or Netsupport school to monitor the screens of student computers. You need to find out which program it is and then identify the processes which are running the server on your computer. Use a program like DTaskManager which can forcefully kill processes and shoot them down.

Now you can start having fun; just do it in a position where you can see those walking towards you so you can shut off the PC if you see them coming. Fun things to do would be to use the netsend command to send messages across the school; scanning the network for the admin computer and the denial of servicing it, and much more. But really, I would start seeing what kind of information I could get and searching for misconfiguration of the server to try to get in. As well, a hardware keylogger can be made for the cost of a 19 dollar Teensy++ and an sd card and is the best way to catch an administrators password and once you have that... well they have no chance.

Happy hacking


What happened to this place ? I remember it back in 2008
Andy; the guy that was hosting us stopped hosting the forums for fear of DDoS and legal threats; and community had become so fragmented that nobody picked it back up again. The IRC is still running though

Found it on the Webs / Re: Gosh darn Estonians
« on: July 10, 2012, 04:36:19 PM »
I always though these guys were stupid... could have done this so much better...

Were I the one in that position I would just have the ads on the sites change to my own and never make it obvious something is going on.

General discussion / Re: WTF skiddies
« on: July 05, 2012, 02:19:52 PM »
Richard Robinson (schiz0id) is the owner and maintainer of the website This site is intended as a joke was launched on June 16, 2007 in order to trick people into thinking that they were learning how to hack computer network and websites (and it has worked pretty well). It quickly gained popularity and was receiving a substantial number of hits. It was down from early January 2008 to April 1st 2008 due to a hardware failure. schiz0id signed up for web hosting, and now the site is building up traffic once again.
The entire site was made to make fun of the idiot kid who schiz0id was like when he was 12. He always wanted to "learn to hack," and it took him like a year to learn that it wasn't anything like that. Yet, everyone like that at the time had their stupid Angelfire account with a black background and lime green text who thought they were Neo from the Matrix since they could "program" in HTML.


Not really a hacker
Actually ended up getting a job in computers


Hacked the gibson
Goes around to popular hacking sites posting his "article" about hacking myspace accounts
Getting mailbombed for being the "world's greatest hacker"

What I do is purchase cheap unix shell accounts from places like sh3lls net and set up the VPN myself. Stater shell accounts only cost 3 dollars a month so you can keep buying new ones whenever you want.

You know there are no logs being kept when your the one who installed the VPN. It's easy to get untraceable currency, most of these guys will take Western Union (preferable because there is no easy way for the authorities to get anything from them info wise) or by purchasing prepaid credit cards with cash while ensuring there is not any cameras getting a good picture of your face.

Operating System / Re: OS for slow netbook
« on: July 03, 2012, 07:30:34 PM »
Yes and you can use a program called unetbootin to make one automagically

Operating System / Re: OS for slow netbook
« on: July 03, 2012, 07:10:22 PM »
Hey buddy, I feel your pain. I was running on a similar laptop for the last semester and I had to do quite a bit to get it to the point where it was workable.

The first recommendation I have for you is to buy a 2gb RAM stick. 1 gigabyte of ram is about enough for the OS and services and not much else. It is the primary reason your computer is that slow.

With 2 gigs of RAM, windows 7 will be more than usable if you turn down all of the performance settings. Go to the start menu and type "performance". Third down in the results list you should see "Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows". Go to it and make sure everything is unchecked except the last three on the bottom. It will look like XP but it will run very fast.

If more ram isn't an option, then you can try downloading linux mint with the cinnamon desktop.   But really without that seconds gigabyte you will have issues with any large tasks.

General discussion / Re: What are your favorite songs?
« on: June 29, 2012, 05:18:59 AM »
heh, comes down to two... Art of Life By X-Japan or A Change of Seasons by Dream Theater. Both of them are long, progressive introspections into life and the human condition. Both of them have shaped my life at one point very significantly.

And anything by rush

General discussion / Re: Any recommendations for online business host
« on: June 25, 2012, 03:09:26 AM »
well, sure there have been people that have had negative experiences with it, but what clinches it for me is the fact that they don't treat you like you're an idiot [they let you configure all lot of stuff that other hosts wouldn't] and the fact that when SOPA was still being debated, host gator was one of the few hosting providers that was adamantly against it, while a lot others supported it.

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