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Messages - iTpHo3NiX

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Hardware / Raspberry Pi 3 Released
« on: February 29, 2016, 05:39:37 PM »

Quote from:
Exactly four years ago, on 29 February 2012, we unleashed the original 256MB Raspberry Pi Model B on a largely unsuspecting world. Since then, we’ve shipped over eight million units, including three million units of Raspberry Pi 2, making us the UK’s all-time best-selling computer. The Raspberry Pi Foundation has grown from a handful of volunteers to have over sixty full-time employees, including our new friends from Code Club. We’ve sent a Raspberry Pi to the International Space Station and are training teachers around the world through our Picademy program.

In celebration of our fourth birthday, we thought it would be fun to release something new. Accordingly, Raspberry Pi 3 is now on sale for $35 (the same price as the existing Raspberry Pi 2), featuring:

A 1.2GHz 64-bit quad-core ARM Cortex-A53 CPU (~10x the performance of Raspberry Pi 1)
Integrated 802.11n wireless LAN and Bluetooth 4.1
Complete compatibility with Raspberry Pi 1 and 2

Quote from:
For Raspberry Pi 3, Broadcom have supported us with a new SoC, BCM2837. This retains the same basic architecture as its predecessors BCM2835 and BCM2836, so all those projects and tutorials which rely on the precise details of the Raspberry Pi hardware will continue to work. The 900MHz 32-bit quad-core ARM Cortex-A7 CPU complex has been replaced by a custom-hardened 1.2GHz 64-bit quad-core ARM Cortex-A53. Combining a 33% increase in clock speed with various architectural enhancements, this provides a 50-60% increase in performance in 32-bit mode versus Raspberry Pi 2, or roughly a factor of ten over the original Raspberry Pi.

James Adams spent the second half of 2015 designing a series of prototypes, incorporating BCM2837 alongside the BCM43438 wireless “combo” chip. He was able to fit the wireless functionality into very nearly the same form-factor as the Raspberry Pi 1 Model B+ and Raspberry Pi 2 Model B; the only change is to the position of the LEDs, which have moved to the other side of the SD card socket to make room for the antenna. Roger Thornton ran the extensive (and expensive) wireless conformance campaign, allowing us to launch in almost all countries simultaneously. Phil Elwell developed the wireless LAN and Bluetooth software.

All of the connectors are in the same place and have the same functionality, and the board can still be run from a 5V micro-USB power adapter. This time round, we’re recommending a 2.5A adapter if you want to connect power-hungry USB devices to the Raspberry Pi.

Raspberry Pi 3 is available to buy today from our partners element14 and RS Components, and other resellers. You’ll need a recent NOOBS or Raspbian image from our downloads page. At launch, we are using the same 32-bit Raspbian userland that we use on other Raspberry Pi devices; over the next few months we will investigate whether there is value in moving to 64-bit mode.

Purchase from:

News and Announcements / Re: New Global Mod and Some News
« on: February 29, 2016, 04:54:48 PM »
So essentially, there are no checks in place to stop a mod from silencing anything they don't personally agree with? Doesn't sound like a terribly good way to allow for diversity in view points.

Then you said this:
"There are several threads that explain various posting guidelines. It's pretty much community choice."

But is it really "community choice" if the entirety of the decision making is on as you put "10+" admins with no process for appeals, oversight of admin behavior, or open votes on rules?

Do you really not read anything I've posted? Doesn't matter if an Mod-Owner silence you. They can do so without this change. Our rules have always been up to interpretation by the staff. If you don't like it you can GTFO. Nothing changes for users with over 5 posts, everything else is the same. Dunno why I need to keep repeating myself.

News and Announcements / Re: New Global Mod and Some News
« on: February 29, 2016, 12:11:25 AM »
Questions for clarification purposes:

Would the moderation que be handled by one particular admin, or will multiple admins be working on it?
If it was only one admin, that could be problematic for a couple of reasons; for one that could be a lot for one person alone  to have to read through and process. Perhaps that won't be an issue here, as it doesn't seem like there are tons of posts..... something to consider though.
Also, if it is one person only, what safeguards are in place to keep that person from using that power to silence posters they don't agree with, or don't like?

If you read my OP, Mods, GMods, Admins, and Owner user class can apprive posts. That means there are like 10+ eyes on it for approvals. Fact of the matter is any of the above can delete, remove, lock any post for any reason they seem fit at any time.

Also, is there a guide that details the exact grounds a post can be denied on, or is it entirely up to the whim and preference of  whichever mod is tasked with approving posts?

There are several threads that explain various posting guidelines. It's pretty much community choice. Read through the FAQ right here

News and Announcements / Re: New Global Mod and Some News
« on: February 27, 2016, 03:39:29 PM »
As for the eBooks: Well, they are there, and available after 20 posts. Given the reasons above, as well as the extensive discussion in the News and Announcements thread, I think I don't need to reiterate why ;).
The wiki, however, is down and was suppposed to be replaced, but that didn't happen yet.

DCMA is a problem. No publically searchable links make it very difficult for Copyright trolls to report our content via DCMA.

As for the wiki, it went down because a vulnerability was discovered in December, and IPS was supposed to launch Jan 1st which would've rendered the wiki useless.

I hope that helps answer some questions

Also the benefit of this is no one can spam their way to 20 posts. They can try, but they won't get very far

News and Announcements / Re: New Global Mod and Some News
« on: February 27, 2016, 07:31:40 AM »
Just a question of curiosity, i know it's probably more common sense, but i just want to be sure. How the new moderation of the topics made by null users will be classified? Standard shitty topic/Good topic or will have to follow some instruction rules like: Introduction of the Problem/Topic, and the development of it?
Hope to not get trashed by this kinda retorical question, but i was banned before by the same reasons for you guys(administrators in general) made this new law for topics. And btw, i totally agree with it, the admins in here always tried to make the forum better. Im sure this decision was made because it was necessary.

First 5 posts get moderated. All info is in the stickies IFS how to post. If their threads don't get approved then they know that they need to fix it. If you can make 5 pledges tart make it through, you're lucky. If not Chinese back when you can contribute quality

My advice is see if the routers name is default for either the router or the isp. Default wireless names are usually fairly easy as different manufacturers/isp's use the same type of passwords to secure their clients wifi. As techb mentioned phone numbers are very popular. Also some routers have 10-digit (numerical only) passwords that never start with a 0. Others are a lot more difficult that will have a 15 character key that consists of 0-9 and a-z, others are 0-9a-zA-Z. However in knowing this, you can save time and eliminate doing passcodes that are under the charters of the passwords (no point in trying aaaaaa when the password contains only digits and is 10 characters long)

Based on your OP with this particular AP, a smart evil twin attack probably would be the best bet, however you need to be close with some decent hardware.

Btw I would like to say congratulations on not being the hundreth retard to say how does I hack wifis

News and Announcements / New Global Mod and Some News
« on: February 26, 2016, 09:07:46 PM »
Fellow EvilZone members,

Today was like every other day and I decided to hop on my good pal EZ. To my dismay I went to look at my unread topics and I clicked on a few. In any case that set me off. I've been sickend by the shear crap that's being tolerated and I decided to change that. I hopped on IRC and asked if anyone cared about the forum was on and TheWormKill was the only reply to it. I got the opinion of the active members in the channel and have decided that anyone who is in the NULL category makes a post, it will automatically go into a moderation queue and requires approval from a Mod, GMod, Admin, or Owner. With this, will keep our current staff busy so I elected to promote TheWormKill to GMod as he has been a local mod for our most problematic boards for a while now.

Message to current Local Mods
If we end up being in need of more staff whether it be for a specific category or globally to assist, let me know if you're interested.

Hopefully we can break this shit post downward spiral.

So everyon, welcome the reaper of worms, thewormkill, to our staff team

<thewormkill sneaking his message in>
thanks everyone :)
</thewormkill out>

Anonymity and Privacy / Re: Question about Qustodio
« on: February 21, 2016, 04:48:17 AM »

Hacking and Security / Re: Fuckin Punks
« on: February 21, 2016, 12:29:11 AM »
What they fuck are you going on about? No one banned you. My guess is you were using a public exit node whether it be website proxy, vpn, tor whatever of someone that used the same one to spam and got banned.

But if you want to be a little bitch, I have this special user class I set up for whiney little bitches like yourself.

By the way, respect is earned, not given. I guarantee you that if you go around demanding respect you're not going to get ANY.



Projects and Discussion / Re: Rewriting the Zeus Botnet in Python!!
« on: February 19, 2016, 07:17:21 PM »


Tutorials / Re: Taku's XSS handbook
« on: February 17, 2016, 03:22:18 PM »
Pardon me my good Sir, but, in your opinion, what would some non-common XSS techniques consist of?

(for everyone else blindfuzzy, as is our usual banter)


Also I found your mom to be a pretty uncommon XSS


Android / Re: [APP] Pandora Patched v6.0 (no-root)
« on: February 16, 2016, 07:21:24 PM »
Mehcroed ,

Just installed this on lolipop unrooted and seems to work nicely; to download songs just click on thumbup.

Way to share  8)

Here, posted the new version:

Android / [APP] Pandora 6.9 Patched
« on: February 16, 2016, 07:20:24 PM »
Pandora v6.9 Patched
Requirements: Android 4.1+
Overview: Pandora is free, personalized radio that plays music and comedy you'll love.

Great music discovery is effortless and free with Pandora. Just start with the name of one of your favorite artists, songs, genres or composers and we'll do the rest. It's easy to create personalized stations that play only music you'll love.
Tap into an entire world of music, including almost a century of popular recordings - new and old, well known and obscure. Create up to 100 personalized radio stations with your free account.
Not sure where to start? Create a free account to explore hundreds of music and comedy genre stations.
Already a Pandora listener? Even easier. Just log in and enjoy the same free radio service. Your Pandora is the same across the web, on your phone, on your TV, and in your car - access your free personalized radio wherever you want to hear great music or comedy.
Note: Pandora may use large amounts of data and carrier data charges may apply. For best results, we recommend you connect your device to trusted WiFi networks when available.

Unlimited Skips, No Ads, No Timeout, Music Downloader, MP3, 192kbps Pandora One support
Courtesy of Hunter X

This app has no advertisements

More Info:

Pandora v6.9 Patched.apk

Pandora v6.9 Patched

Note: Download at your own risk. This is an unsigned APK and apps like Lookout will warn you that this is signed with Android Compromised Master Key. I, or, are not responsible or liable for any damage that you may incur by using this patched application

Hardware / Re: Intel Mini ATX build ideas
« on: February 15, 2016, 05:54:28 PM »
Kulver, build a tabletop MAME arcade. Legitness

Make it a little bigger and use the mini atx, build the housing into the base. Nice little ipac board some buttons and a joystick. I always wanted to build a name cabinet. Also include n64 slots and emulator. Would be very epic

Reverse Engineering / Re: Obfuscated Flash file
« on: February 11, 2016, 10:20:10 PM »

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