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Hacking and Security / Everything has changed. WTF?
« on: May 13, 2012, 09:17:08 AM »
Hi guys,

I was a hacker in late 90's. Today something has happened to me and break my promise. Managed to lame and hack again.

First of I've checked some websites and programs finally fund this website.

As i've seen, everything's changed about hacking. Programs are different and the ways i used to use are useless. A really big change on web hack and network stuff. Aproximately 15 years has passed...

Well i guess perl isnt prefered for hacking. the usage of c#, xploiting and scripting had been evolved and improved as i see now.

I am an old guy now. And dunno where to begin. Hope you guys show me the way.

BTW I've read some of the topics. Nice web site. But not much crowded. In 90's people were really keen on hacking...

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