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Messages - Kulverstukas

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 251
News and Announcements / Re: New Global Mod and Some News
« on: February 29, 2016, 07:03:54 AM »
am being silenced, derp
We don't choose retards for mods and we all moderate equally. There has been many situations where mods/admins could of silenced other people, but that didn't happen. We are all tolerant, maybe even too much sometimes, so you don't worry about that.
Also if you feel that your post was deleted for not reason, you can always let us know and we'll investigate...

Hacking and Security / Re: User PW Validity
« on: February 23, 2016, 07:07:15 AM »
We make them change the password once a year, and Windows GPO settings allows to set the complexity and history rules, so they don't reuse their passwords and have the required complexity.

General discussion / Re: I got caught scripting??
« on: February 22, 2016, 08:19:33 PM »
Well that sucks. I can understand both of your positions - your teacher lacks the basic computer terminology, but wants you to make your homework honestly, even tho it sucks for everyone, so she tries the scare tactic. What you did could be classified as cheating if she's in a bad mood and as stupid as it may sound, you could get hurt because of it... again because people are stupid.
I also understand you, trying to automate repetitive and boring tasks... it's what I would do as well... actually it's what I always do :P

Now about the solution to this... if you say the button is hidden, then they probably log it all the time, so you can't always press it. You could implement random delays to fuck up their time logging, but it would still count towards a correct total score since you say that this button somehow marks the answer as correct. But you could also implement a random answer selection along with random delays, so that you get some of the answers wrong (on purpose).
My guess is that this pass button has some kind of special meaning, so they could have a trigger which notifies them whenever it was used...

Ok, in short, I don't think you have a 100% full-proof solution to this, because they probably have triggers for the button or someshit, idk. :P

Hacking and Security / Re: Decrypting PDF Password
« on: February 22, 2016, 07:10:19 AM »
There's a reason why these encryptions were made, and you're going about it the wrong way - what you need to find is as password to decrypt it, otherwise it won't ever work... well I really doubt the PDF is worth such trouble anyway. You should look for password bruteforcers instead and apply it to the PDF, or ask the author for a password?

Hardware / Re: Intel Mini ATX build ideas
« on: February 15, 2016, 11:49:21 PM »
That involves a lot of tools I don't have and resources which are too expensive for this project IMO :P I like gaming, but not that much lol. I believe the briefcase build would be pretty sweet as well :D

Hardware / Re: Intel Mini ATX build ideas
« on: February 15, 2016, 05:05:29 PM »
Sorry, the board is Mini-ITX, to be correct and I got an idea - I'll assemble it all into a briefcase, it will contain the monitor, all the computer insides and all of required remotes should also fit in there :)

Hardware / Re: Intel Mini ATX build ideas
« on: February 14, 2016, 04:24:04 PM »
May be this helps But better stick with acrylic case I feel u can build for less money and it will give lots of fun
It is still too large. I am talking about cases like BareBone computers have... as small as a hard drive enclosure (not AS small but you get the point :P)

Hardware / Re: Intel Mini ATX build ideas
« on: February 14, 2016, 12:08:42 PM »
Set it up as a nas with openmediavault (i am told freenas is much more difficult to recover in case of a crash), make it a htpc if hdmi connection, make a game emulator for old games?
A small server for vpn or file server?
Plenty of possibilities 😃
I am aware of the possibilities, currently having some on my raspberry NAS, and I think I won't be replacing raspberry with this as NAS, because it's enough what rpi gives. Anyway, the question was more about cool shit aside from NAS and I was asking where could I get a cool, small, sleek case for this.

Edit: Well looks like GameEx is pretty damn sweet, I might build an emulator machine... just need a proper case for it :P

Found it on the Webs / Re: Hacking Explained
« on: February 14, 2016, 12:02:48 PM »
Oh wow, this is the best explanation of that term I've ever seen. This is going to be my reference video when I have to explain that I'm not a criminal :P

Hardware / Intel Mini ATX build ideas
« on: February 13, 2016, 10:39:55 AM »
I have a spare desktop computer, which was used at home before buying a laptop, it has an Intel Mini-ATX board in it, very small and cute :P I don't want to throw it out, it's sitting in a corner gathering dust. I'd like to use it as a NAS instead of the Rpi for more flexibiity and speed, but I can't have it in a standard case where it is now. My idea is to put it all into a small and sleek case, so that it's as small as it can be. Best if I could power it from a 12v/24v power adapter as well... basically like a set-top box.

Problem is that I can't find any such project articles to follow, or even cases to buy... for cases I could make one from acrylic glass, it's not a big problem.

Any thoughts on what cool shit I could make from a Mini ATX computer?

Operating System / Re: Maru OS
« on: February 12, 2016, 06:44:20 AM »
I see no real purpose in this when you have all kinds of synchronization tools... the battery life would be pathetic IMO, and it's horrible as it is with smartphones. Also who the flip would use a phone for computer work?

Hardware / Re: Can u restart WiFi router using an app
« on: February 07, 2016, 01:08:17 PM »
If it's some cheap, shitty and/or old router, there might be a way to crash it by sending some malformed packets that it doesn't understand... other than that, following the legal way would be to SSH into it and restart from there, but SSH is only available on more expensive routers.

Found it on the Webs / Re: The Malware Museum
« on: February 05, 2016, 05:37:23 PM »
Yeah... viruses back in the day were so much nicer...

Game Hacking, Modding & Discussing / "Enemy front" mini-review
« on: January 25, 2016, 05:11:47 PM »

Robert Hawkins is an American war correspondent who is caught up with various Resistance groups across Europe during the Second World War. Along the way he finds help in the form of a Norwegian Commando, a German SOE agent and a femme fatale French Resistance fighter, also his Polish allies. The game is played through his flashbacks and will include real historical events, some of it highlighting Nazi atrocities committed in Europe. It also visits theatres of war, such as Poland and Norway, which have remained largely untouched by mainstream western media and especially other World War II first-person shooters.

My input:

Images and trailer might seem awesome, but the game on x360 was lame - the checkpoints are rare, if you die you have to repeat several tasks again. Controls are not sensitive and fast enough - you can control the turning sensitivity but the character is still moving slow, that becomes a problem when you need to run for cover. Sometimes the gameplay glitches and the character doesn't sprint for some reason. On a PC with keyboard and mouse this game could be great, but not on a joystick as it feels like it wasn't tuned for a joystick :/

Any cools on the hardware side? You must've had lots of fun.
There weren't many gfx cards on display, just builds overall, those more sick builds are in the album, like that red MSI one. Wouldn't say lots of fun, but I had a great time no doubt :P

The LAN party area was too extreme for me... "hardcore" gamers brought their chairs, keyboards with mice... many brought foldable beds to sleep, some used inflatable mattresses. Some even had tents :D energy drinks everywhere you look :D

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