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Messages - JacobTheArbiter

Pages: [1]
Hacking and Security / Re: How is this encrypted
« on: May 01, 2012, 01:54:29 PM »
wow thanks a lot for such a detailed answer :)
i didnt expect that
and trust me, your guess is much better than mine :P

Hacking and Security / Re: How is this encrypted
« on: May 01, 2012, 07:44:01 AM »
I also found this
In a file called secret.txt
any ideas guys?

Hacking and Security / How is this encrypted
« on: May 01, 2012, 07:41:54 AM »
Hi again Evilzone
I just posted a few days ago to do with how i found the school admins password and I wanted to keep a backdoor open for access at any time
I explain it more elequently here's-password/
I have made quite a lot of headway on this project but I have found something else, a .yaml file with many Usernames and passwords in it, the issue is that im not sure how it is encrypted i was wondering if you could have a look at it for me and tell me how to decrypt it
any help would be greatly appreciated
by the way i know it says sha2 but apparently this string is too small for sha2
also i have tried base64 but that didnt work for me
as I said any help is greatly appreciated
- _sha2_: 8b443458a9393e8485fc96b031a7afab4e0bd7a9
- admin:
    :login: admin
    :p: 18lP97fHBJZkQjJDEuImpA==
    :type: snmp
    :login: Administrator
    :p: ZZoIM/eAO8vEU6tCzCZx+tXU41qWvOBevuUxiH5XXWY=
    :type: wmi
    :login: root
    :p: BjrmO0lvEh5zTixRGbSrgQ==
    :type: http
  esx admin:
    :login: root
    :p: k/Msj0boNfFoNtN5EQ3fGA==
    :type: esx
  esx root:
    :login: root
    :p: 9XNI6SKSBfhN0kYyF92SgA==
    :type: esx
  local admin:
    :login: Administrator
    :p: DiyCFf2mKrtB+LureWB0nQ1QDouxzkordtT1s1yio0A=
    :type: wmi
    :login: localadmin
    :p: /T9g/pXqd2v3eqdilhZVWNgtLhJaay4RcFV8ZO06ems=
    :type: ssh
  mac local admin:
    :login: localadmin
    :p: SMEgTRIXBooP1FeRrcrSOA3eta/DbhskLdDDK2tFhv8=
    :type: ssh
    :login: Will Not Try WMI
    :p: PJ19x19hPduZyth8V5O3vCLqt62GpH1KAd0H3f8avPU=
    :type: wmi
    :login: public
    :p: 1G+iFdT5x+WDmzv+6cQyag==
    :type: snmp
    :login: schadm
    :p: Csc42VzYSe4oYV84aZM+5w==
    :type: wmi
Thanks guys :)

Hacking and Security / Re: School network, got the admin's password
« on: April 27, 2012, 05:07:29 PM »

Hacking and Security / School network, got the admin's password
« on: April 27, 2012, 04:15:47 PM »
Hi Evilzone
I am new to your community but I have known about you for a long time through a friend.I am not a "hacker" by any stretch of the word and I'm not gonna be one of the people who say "HI GIZE TEECH ME 2 HACK".
I want to know only a few things which I will ask after a brief history of what I have done so far.I was at school one day in the library where my friends have found many things (common knowledge to you folk) suck as making the sticky keys open cmd where you can give yourself local admin privileges (excuse me if I am not using the correct terminology) but I wasn't bothered with this.
My goal, pretty much all through school was to gain what I call, Global Admin (I'm not sure if this is the right term), I have never made much progress to reaching this goal went pretty much nowhere until we found an exploit.If you hyper-link to a folder in excel we would be able to see the file system and look through many different computers on the network, a few were still restricted drives I couldn't access.This was because (my friend tells me) that excel is hosted on a different host to the one im using and that one has elevated privileges. I have been going through different drives and folders ever since, every spare second I had at school I would be going through deeply checking every single file system I came across that I had access to. I have found many things from behavioural management agreements, psychological reports, wedding vows, jailbait 0.o and confidential emails which shows the relationship between senior staff and the principal to be "Less than trustful".

All of this was interesting but didn't get me any closer to my goal. Until just the other day a new file appeared in a drive i had already searchedIT Report 2012It just so happened that this gave me the global admin's username, creatively called Administrator, and the password.I immediately opened Remote Desktop Manager and connected to one of the many servers or domains, (idk the difference) that whoever wrote it had conveniently listed in another document, the one that manages every other one. I connected and saw that there were two others logged on, DAVID-PC logged in remotely to administrator (David is our IT dude), he was logged in to the account I was gonna go through, now at the time i thought nothing of this and logged in with the credentials that I had obtained I looked for 10 seconds and then got out, I later learned that this would log out the admin when I connect.
everything is ok though, he hasn't changed the password or anything so I'm safe there.

What I was wondering is how I can install a backdoor so I can access it whenever (because he doesnt log off during the school day) and how I can access it?I can do quite a bit on computers but please try and keep your answers low level just in case it is just one thing that trips me up.also is there a way to create an invisible account that has admin privs on every computer that wont show up on the user groupings but thats not a backdoor?Thanks a LOT for all your time and effort in just reading, this let alone answering it

P.S all the things that could possibly identify the school were removed

EDIT: I'm very sorry about the colour issues im new to this site

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