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Messages - l3aralai

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Game Hacking, Modding & Discussing / Diablo 3
« on: May 06, 2012, 11:04:09 AM »
Will I be seeing anyone from Evilzone in hell? Got my CE and can't fucking wait. --'

General discussion / ISP and Utorrent
« on: May 06, 2012, 11:00:30 AM »
Lol @ getting calls from ISP..(We got a complaint you downloaded the office with a torrent...)

Me: o_o What's a torrent?
Rep: Uhh, you have a wireless router?
Me: Yes?
Rep: Do you have a password on it?...
Me: Not that i know of?
Rep: You need to set a password, someone is downloading illegal content with your wireless signal.
Me: Ok. Thanks for the info, ill have to set a password then...How do i do that?
Rep: It's different for all routers, read your manual.
Me: ...Ok
Rep: Is there anything else i can do for you today?
Me: What did you do for me to begin with?
Rep: Thanks, well if you have anymore questions give is a call back.
Me: You called me...
End of convo....

xD....Anyways i just set the ipfilter.enable to true in utorrent and havent had any problems since. I'm guessing someone looks at ips and reports to your isp? lol

General discussion / Re: Ran into a script kiddie IRL today
« on: May 06, 2012, 10:37:32 AM »
I ran into that kid once. Turns out he has aspergers..and a trench coat.. No joke. o_O Like on southpark.

General discussion / Re: Cartoons ?
« on: May 06, 2012, 10:35:57 AM »
All this reminds me of cartoonorbit :( I miss waiting for those secret codes they would release for ctoons xD

Hacking and Security / Get SSL Encrypted Passwords with BT5
« on: May 06, 2012, 10:34:46 AM »
Wondering if theres a good Tutorial for this on EZ. I didn't see one in search. Plenty of them around the net though.

I've got a Linksys ae1000 that works great. Like Praxis said vmware makes you use usb.

Once you have the USB device when you load VMware, just use the Virtual Machine dropdown, and select removable devices, and select the correct device and hit connect. Then when you use airmon-ng it should show up. :D

General discussion / Re: Any evilzone bodybuilders?
« on: May 06, 2012, 10:11:50 AM »
My way
Monday - Weights
Tuesday - Running
Wednesday - Weights
Thursday - Running
Friday - Weights
Saturday - Fun activities.. for me usually i longboard with my buddy for a few miles.
Sunday - Nada..

No2 supplement
Breakfast 3 eggwhites/ fav fruit of some sort.
Lunch Fruits/Vegetables/White meats--Fowl/Fish i like Canned Tuna and chicken with no flavoring (mayo/ect)
No2 Supplement
Wheybolic Protein recovery milkshake
Dinner same as lunch for the most part.

If you plan on eating something with a higher fat content in it, do it at lunch not dinner. The less you eat for dinner the better.

This does not work if you want a huge bulky hulk body. This if for the lean abs and sculpted muscle tone. If you wanna be hulky, replace the white meats with tons of steak and shit. lol

Those supplements are wonderful. No2 helps me squeeze a few more reps in than normal, and the shake really helps with recovery speed.

Workout is totally up to you, i'm not gonna go into detail because everyone is different.

Hacking and Security / Re: [Request] Streaming Video Capture?
« on: May 03, 2012, 09:08:07 AM »
I think it's in RTMP. I've tried a lot, and i know about temp directories lolz. Something weird going on with those south park guys. o_O...honestly, its not so much the videos as it is curiosity now, there's TONS of other means of getting the videos.. I'd like to see if anyone here is capable of figuring this out lol

Hacking and Security / Re: [Request] Streaming Video Capture?
« on: May 01, 2012, 06:48:01 AM »
That is one way, but that's a lot of time consumed trying to get a lot of episodes. lol

Hacking and Security / [Request] Streaming Video Capture?
« on: April 30, 2012, 05:16:06 PM »
I know there is already a post similar to this one, but this is my question. I've been downloading streamed media for a while. Replay Media Catcher is amazing for this...Until I wanted to download from South Park Studios. A few years ago I downloaded almost ever SP episode from their site (before they changed encryption) and it was amazing quality. Now I can't for the life of me figure out how to DL their stuff. I've read up on the methods used for the encryption, but their should be some kind of way around this... Any ideas?

Found it on the Webs / Cryptocat
« on: April 30, 2012, 05:41:34 AM »
o.O Dunno if you guys posted this or not, figured someone may find it useful...

General discussion / Re: A joke:
« on: April 27, 2012, 07:50:43 PM »

General discussion / Re: Cartoons ?
« on: April 27, 2012, 07:49:15 PM »
I watched all of the above, but Dragon Ball Z was mu shit. I know its less a cartoon vs Anime, but.... It was everyday after school off the bus just in time xD!

Was going for simple as possible for the n00bs gawd. xD I read the member intro and it said there were lots of them with no backgrounds so i figured simple is fun. <O_O>

Just a quick tip for anyone who didn't know.

Alot of places will block internet and require you to login though their portal with a user and pass, which you get after paying for inet service at front desk. I've noticed that many times they just block port 80 an 8080 so you cant get to the internet, but Remote Desktop runs off of 3389 by default, so most of the time you can just RDP to your house and surf the web :D

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