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General discussion / Re: We need to stop this law
« on: December 14, 2014, 11:54:49 PM »
(1) Covered communication.–The term ``covered communication'' means any nonpublic telephone or electronic communication acquired without the consent of a person who is a party to the communication, including communications in electronic storage.

(3) Procedures.–(A) Application.–The procedures required by paragraph (1) shall apply to any intelligence collection activity not otherwise authorized by court order (including an order or certification issued by a court established under subsection (a) or (b) of section 103 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (50 U.S.C. 1803)), subpoena, or similar legal process that is reasonably anticipated to result in the acquisition of a covered communication to or from a United States person and shall permit the acquisition, retention, and dissemination of covered communications subject to the limitation in
subparagraph (B). (B) Limitation on retention.–A covered communication shall not be retained in excess of 5 years, unless–
- section 309

General discussion / We need to stop this law
« on: December 14, 2014, 11:12:19 PM »
I haven't been active in a while but I need to spread the word about this new US law that has to potential to fuck the world. Read it yourself:
tl;dr: 1984 is here, this law grants the  executive branch virtually unlimited warrentless access to the  communications of every American and gives this information to not just  federal agencies but to local law enforcement as well., and it gives the US gov an excuse to break international privacy laws as it allows them impunitive access to any server even vaguely associated with the US, it basically lets them do whatever the fuck the want online with no repercussions. This is VERY bad for anyone who values privacy, especially if you have things you don't really want the US gov seeing (I'm sure none of you do)

So what can we do? Our only hope at this point is to spread the word and cause a big enough uproar to pressure Obama into vetoing the bill, because if it passes, nobody is safe. This is not just a US issue, this is a global issue. Post this shit any and everywhere, print out posters and stickers and put them up, spread the word, shout it from the rooftops, if you are in the US encourage people to write their congressmen, the more people we can get pissed off, the more pressure on Obama to veto, if this law passes, the rest of the world will likely follow suit and we will all be fucked.
I will keep you all updated as more information becomes available, but if we want to stop this we need to act immediately

i kill mothafuckas with my hands

Creative Arts / sketch
« on: August 23, 2012, 10:04:23 PM »
this is the sexy mother fucker i sketched up

love? hate?

General discussion / Re: Fake coupons.
« on: June 25, 2012, 08:56:39 PM »
here is my collection, i dont know how many of them are legit but i would say most of them, dont even try using the ones that get you ridiculous stuff like a free xbox, that will never work

Creative Arts / Re: Signature Tags
« on: June 16, 2012, 01:06:45 AM »

to catch a predator

General discussion / Re: Please read :/
« on: May 26, 2012, 09:01:11 PM »
i used to be addicted to a few drugs but i started going to a support group and i got sober, support groups are amazing, if you dont want to go to one because its at a church and everyone is always gonna be talking about a god that you dont believe in (this was my case) just dont worry about it and go anyway, in my opinion people that care about you supporting you is the best way to get sober even if for the sole purpose of not wanting to look like a douche

Creative Arts / Re: Poltergeist Lady (Feat Powder Jay) - Rap
« on: May 25, 2012, 03:09:31 AM »
were you the first guy or the second?

General discussion / Re: Jobs
« on: May 16, 2012, 01:02:01 AM »
figure out exactly what it is you would like to do and google it to see what jobs incorporate your interests, i read your introduction and you said that you would like to learn, i would suggest learning bash and python and working up from there (i like perl too but you dont have to learn that if you dont care about it) google has a class on python here if you look on the left sidebar there are links to video lectures on youtube, there are a bit long and boring so i would suggest taking it in chunks, as for learning bash my best advice is to go to your local bookstore and buying an O'Reilly book on it, also you should learn linux if you havent already

General discussion / Re: Jobs
« on: May 16, 2012, 12:10:30 AM »
i dont know if i fully understand the question, what elements are you talking about? i assume that you mean hacking/coding skills and in that case there is a plethora of possible professions that you could get into and make shit loads of money, for example my sisters boyfriend/fiance is currently a systems architect at a cloud computing company that host servers for major businesses like cox and at&t and they host private servers also, anyways he works from home for only a few hours a day writing scripts in bash and perl and troubleshooting the servers, basically he sits on the couch and casually codes while he plays Call of Duty and WoW, he started out hacking and now he makes 6 figures doing close to nothing, by the way he is only 21, he used to be the systems architect for Scale Matrix (google it) the point of this whole story is to let you know that in the world of scripting and programming there are endless possibilities as long as you put work into it, dont do it if you dont enjoy it though

if too long and you dont feel like reading all that: there are endless possibilities, google it

Creative Arts / Re: If I die tonight - dance PREVIEW
« on: May 10, 2012, 11:13:11 PM »
you are pretty good, a year or so ago i knew some people that could help you out getting out there and if you make an album, i can try to get ahold of them, i mostly knew a bunch of punk bands and DJs and shit but im sure i can have them put out a good word to their fans if they like your work

General discussion / Re: What book are you reading? [Mine]
« on: May 10, 2012, 10:18:38 PM »
What are the last 2 books; I cant see the names well
from top to bottom:
learning the bash shell
linux unwired
linux in easy steps
linux for dummies quick reference
SQL in easy steps
a practical guide to red hat linux
windows admin scripting
IIS 6.0
IIS 6 administration
(wasnt in the picture but its in the pile too) microsoft exchange server 2003

Creative Arts / Re: Just a suggestion for admins :)
« on: May 10, 2012, 09:36:25 PM »
graphics meaning digitally created? i am not a photoshop pro but i can make some non-digital pieces, also i couldnt draw with a mouse if my life depended on it

Creative Arts / Re: Stencil art
« on: May 09, 2012, 05:40:45 AM »

Ever seen the documentary "Exit Through the Gift Shop"? It's on netflix, link to stream online.

The fist is my favorite so far.
that movie is fucking amazing and everyone seems to like the fist the most, i personally like the tv in the trash can (many people have told me they think it looks like a chair, its not a chair, how does that even make sense?) the best

General discussion / Re: What book are you reading? [Mine]
« on: May 09, 2012, 03:32:05 AM »
these books are on my reading list, sorry the entire stack is too big to get in one picture, i am also reading the lost symbol by dan brown and the entire linux for dummies all-in-one book cover to cover (its like 4 inches thick), i read a lot, by the way the stack depicted in the photo is stacked in order of importance to me the top being the most and the bottom being the least, my buddy gave them to me so they are a bit random and not relevant to my interest, i am gonna get a perl book pretty soon also

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