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Messages - cyberdemon

Pages: [1]
C - C++ / urgent....
« on: October 20, 2012, 10:46:33 AM »
dear all,
          pls give the c code for problem below

 Testing the traversal through different screens
 Mr. Ajay is a test expert and he has an innovative approach to testing. His current assignment is to test a particular application which traverses through multiple screens.
 One screen can be traversed in multiple ways. The server response time to traverse between screens is different.
 The circles in the diagram represent the screens and if the screens are connected by edges, it means that the screen can be traversed from the connecting screen. The numbers associated with the edges represent the minimum response time in microseconds between the screens.
 He has to navigate from one screen to a destination screen and return to origin screen, visiting each screen exactly once.. What is the fastest way to perform this traversal.
 If he has to navigate from 1 to 7, the navigation path he takes is 1-4-6-7-5-2-1
 But, Mr. Ajay finds it difficult to find the fastest route himself so he seeks help.
 PS: always calculate the path from the first node to the last node and back
 The first line of test case will contain two integers: N(N<= 100) and R representing respectively the number of screens and the connection between screens. Then R lines will follow each containing three integers: C1, C2 and P.  C1 and C2 are the screen numbers and P (P>1) is the limit on the minimum server response time to navigate to the screen. Screen numbers are positive integers ranging from 1 to N.
 For each test case in the input first output the scenario number. Then output the fastest way to traverse the screen exactly once and return to the origin screen.
 Sample Input
 7 10
 1 2 30
 1 3 20
 1 4 10
 2 4 25
 2 5 60
 3 6 70
 4 7 35
 4 6 20
 5 7 10
 6 7 15
 Sample Output

Hacking and Security / Re: Is there anyone who can unlock this? please...
« on: September 12, 2012, 01:53:45 PM »
thank u all guys..keep in touch..

Hacking and Security / Re: Is there anyone who can unlock this? please...
« on: September 11, 2012, 08:08:12 PM »
i'm not cracking that file for you!.. Do it yourself

 hmm this sounds rude buddy, i'm surely a diy kinda guy..but pls help me on this shit..

Hacking and Security / Re: Is there anyone who can unlock this? please...
« on: September 11, 2012, 04:42:53 PM »
can linux do it???how??? I have the latest edition of backtrack with me..

Hacking and Security / Re: Is there anyone who can unlock this? please...
« on: September 11, 2012, 03:24:24 PM »
it contains a password file (text),  but secured with some encryption..i wan't to get what is inside that password file..thank you

Hacking and Security / Is there anyone who can unlock this? please...
« on: September 11, 2012, 09:55:52 AM »
please find the password in this attached file for me guys,or tell me how to do it

Hacking and Security / wifi router configuration??
« on: August 07, 2012, 09:44:10 AM »
dear all,
     i would like to have a little help here.i have access to the system in my college lab..and till last week i have used the default password of router settings at to get the wifi password...but they have changed it..what should i have to do??is there any other way?

Android / android on symbian
« on: May 16, 2012, 11:18:45 AM »
hey buddies,
      is there any way to load android on my old s60v2 device.
      i need only the functionalities...
      please be kind enough to inform me..thank u

General discussion / kernel
« on: May 15, 2012, 01:36:18 PM »
i am just trying to learn the ways of linux,
and there's this kernel ..
can we edit this kernel,
change it as the way we please..if the answer is yes please help me to do this..
i know c,c++,java and some alp(assembly language programming)

thank you

Pages: [1]

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