« on: April 22, 2012, 05:03:46 PM »
Super mario666 i love you, this is the most amazing site ever, and incase anyone was wondering i didnt get tails to work, i downloaded it onto a flash drive and when i started my computer with the flash drive in it the computer was stuck on that whitish blue screen for like 2 hours. i though i had buttfucked my computer but i took out the flashdrive and tried again and it was fine, i re-downloaded tor a few time also and that didnt work either
Admin notice: no double posts please... edit your posts!
EDIT: maybe i put tails on the flashdrive incorrectly, i downloaded the .iso for it and the went into the terminal and unmounted the flashdrive then i put: cat /Users/Anonymous/Downloads/tails-i386-0.10.2.iso > /dev/disk1 && sync
did i do anything wrong here?