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Messages - fxraider

Pages: [1]
Web Oriented Coding / Re: Webcam panel
« on: April 20, 2012, 07:53:23 PM »
Flash isn't a requirement - I only used that as an example.

I don't actually mind what system is used, provided that it works reliably across all major browsers.

Web Oriented Coding / Webcam panel
« on: April 19, 2012, 10:38:23 PM »
I'm looking to create a website to highlight certain aspects of cyber-security.

What I'd like is to embed a webcam panel into a webpage, but:

1) I need the webcam to activate immediately the page loads
2) it needs to activate without the visitor doing anything
3) it has to work in all major browsers

I want to point out that the webcam panel is *only* to work locally - I don't want the stream uploaded or shared in any way.

Can anyone here help?

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