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Messages - Pewbsicle

Pages: [1]
Mobile Hacking / Re: Digital voice editing
« on: May 05, 2012, 05:19:36 AM »
I don't like youtube, but I got my idea from some sort of video. It was from an anime called GTO "Great Teacher Onizuka", it inspired me because when I watched it, I was young and had mischievous ideas. The students in the anime play advanced pranks and outsmart there teachers using technology and even more. What was funny was how the students completely devastated the teachers using composite pictures, wiretapping, etc. But anyways, I found a program called Audacity and am testing it out, thanks for the replies.

Mobile Hacking / Digital voice editing
« on: April 29, 2012, 06:37:33 PM »
I forgot what it's called but can someone tell me how you can edit what someone says through voice frequency? So basically I want to find out how after you record someone's voice with a digital recorder, the sound frequency is copied and you obtain their voice. How can you edit this voice digitalized voice through a digital computer to make it sound like they say something but didn't actually say it. A program would be easy, but anything would do. New to forums so i won't mind criticism or etc.

-.- movies are useless, don't get any false ideas, just get inspired. Inspired for something to work on not to reconstruct. And don't let anonymity stop you from hacking.

Pages: [1]

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