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Messages - p_2001

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Hacking and Security / Re: f.txt
« on: November 06, 2014, 05:31:27 AM »
There isn't much to say.  This script seems to get ads from Google. Get image,  hyperlink it.   Also display it.
You should see it in action in chrome or Firefox.  Just use a debugger to step in.
add http debugger to monitor the data.  use  fiddler to see the data sent/received.

Hacking and Security / Re: f.txt
« on: November 06, 2014, 04:06:48 AM »
Javascript. Apparently serves ads.

General discussion / Re: Native English Speaker to look over Master Thesis
« on: November 04, 2014, 04:03:20 PM »
I can help out although I'm not a native.  I do have a toefl 109 if that helps. 

P vs NP problem? . I'll keep it a secret.  I will not collect the reward.  P=np problem if solved can make you the ruler of the world.

Hacking and Security / Re: Viruses in pictures?
« on: October 21, 2014, 04:55:37 PM »
No, you understand correctly. This is about as useful as any other file merger. It simple puts one file on the end of the other. Nothing more. Wont run, wont do anything.

There are only two ways malware could be hidden (and executed) in images. Either by feature or by flaw. And by flaw I mean (most of the time?) a buffer overflow vulnerability.

By feature
Code could be executed by a image viewer if the image viewer actually had this as a feature. Not as likely with image files, but there have been nemours examples of other file formats that have allowed things like javascript or VBscript to run as a feature. Pretty sure PDF had this a while back(maybe still?), Microsoft office files had(have?) this and so on.

By flaw
As with any other program, a image viewer can have flaws/bugs. And sometimes those flaws/bugs can be exploited. In most cases we are talking about a buffer overflow exploit. This could allow you to add malicious code to an image that would be executed when viewing the image. There are way too many details to go into here and now so I will not explain further. Know this tho, most image formats have been around for a loooong time and so thousends of people have tried finding these flaws already.

There is a third way,  polyglots. You make a hybrid file of two different languages and send them.  An example would be gifar attacks where the gif file was both a valid gif and jar file.

General discussion / Re: studying SAT/college exam vocab
« on: October 21, 2014, 06:18:07 AM »
Just took GRE, the way I prepared was to read a few words and write a small paragraph using them. Somehow using the words meaningfully makes you remember them correctly.
I found this as a better way to remember them rather than rote memorization.

Science / Re: Perfect Gases :/
« on: October 17, 2014, 05:31:49 PM »
Real gases as they're called are actual `real` gases.  They exist.  Now,  ideal gases are hypothetical gases created after mathematical models.  It was always known that the mathematical model will be flawed but it is read anyways,  why? Because the actual variables for real gases are really to numerous and unless you wish to do a PHD or need some really error free data, you do not need to read it.
All real life systems can be defined with an equation of the type M + Rf ().
Where M is the mathematical model and RF () is your practical variation. 
Now,  you are taught M because you can grasp it and it doesn't need you to perform any sophisticated experiment beyond your ability to perform.  Once you are adept at it,  you're taught the practical variation that occurs.

A high school student will never need to learn the complex parts, do a PHD if you really want to learn this. 

It didn't get tin tin. .. Though he is tricky. 

Sublime has unlimited trial which is why I ruled out any self modifying stuff.
Op, take a look at lena's reversing tutorials if you need good practice.

You need to rebuild your pe file.  Basically you're changing stuff in your exe and certain data structures need to be updated.

Google it.

There can also be in built protection against cracking and maybe the debugger is getting detected and the program presents a different code path.
Use debugger hiding plugins when you patch a file.  There are many ways to detect debugger and it's better to use such plug in.

Web Oriented Coding / Re: PHP or Nodejs for simple site ?
« on: October 08, 2014, 09:35:18 AM »
Definitely PHP. node JS solves the problem for scalability which you do not need for at least a long time,  if ever.

PHP has a lot of stuff already written and you will get all the modules you need over the net.  This way your development time is small and you get to see all aspects of the problem. You'll deliver a quality product in less time, but with old technology.

If this is a learning exercise then I'd say that you use nodejs or python django. These are relatively new with smaller libraries but they'll grow over time and they look promising.  Specially nodejs because of widespread js use.

Tutorials / Re: Analyzing Malacious Malware Embedded in Adobe PDF Files
« on: October 03, 2013, 12:26:57 AM »
Can you send me those pdf's?

And you dont need a sandbox with this

Because you can disarm  the javascript in the adobe PDF reader

the command 

Code: [Select]
python --disarm testfile.pdf

Will manually chagne the  /Javascript  into  /J47d7xnsnsScrript

Therefore not allowing the Adobe PDF javascript engine   execute

Because  in the adobe pdf reader everything is god i cant remember the word

If it has /Javascript  /javascript  /JS  = Those will  execute

but /Ja8d7s899  stuff like that will not execute

I mean that while  learning this is fun, the reader sandbox wont let any embeded explot to make changes to the system. So trying to exploit the js is useless now. Unless you have some way to escape sandbox.

Tutorials / Re: Analyzing Malacious Malware Embedded in Adobe PDF Files
« on: October 02, 2013, 08:03:06 PM »
nice share, but the sandbox will block everything malicious in the pdf reader. I had some malicious pdf from 2008's. they dont execute anymore.
Dunno if the sandbox is broken yet.

Hardware / Re: Is it possible to build a computer with GPU only?
« on: April 14, 2013, 06:08:49 PM »
Does a gpu have an mmu unit? Can it handle context switches and schedule things?
Assuming the gpu is a normal one available in the market I don't think it can perform all the actions a cpu does. And a cpu doesn't do only computation.

yes, actually. Gpu do have a mmu, as for the logical operations, it is possible to use gpu for them. go to wkipedia>>gpgpu

Hardware / Re: Is it possible to build a computer with GPU only?
« on: April 14, 2013, 05:49:53 AM »
A GPU handles calculations better. Yes it is possible to build a computer using only gpu.

also, the term I believe was GPGPU.

this is just a trend in technology. technology always moves this way, a solution, then a compact generalized solution and then again specialized solution.
Technology converges and diverges. I would say that in a few years we will get a computer purely on GPU, that will be the general solution case.

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