« on: May 04, 2012, 07:34:30 PM »
Ehhhh Here's my idea for being more anon and screwing over investigators caz am a fucking genius.
A proxy chain looks like this:
H4x0r->she11l1->fbi.gov she3ll->NASA shell->random bawt
My idea is this
H4x0r->she11l1->fbi.gov she3ll->NASA shell->random bawt----|///
Instead of a chain, a loop. The software would work like this: It allows your computer to be controlled and used as a shell. It will accept connections from anywhere and allow connections to anywhere using Telnet.
Use it like this: Install the software on your computer and then hack a remote bawks. Then install that software on their computer and use that shell. Keep going till you have a chain of about 5 of yours shells running your software but at the end of the chain (and here is where it gets really tricky): connect back to yourself, and use YOUR computer as the shell to attack from.
At the start of the process, you connect to a target's shell with your shell to hop through other victims back to yourself. In other words, forming a circle, and "a circle has no beginning" -- Luna Lovegood, and therefore no originator.
Now, who the fuck hacked who? Who is the hacker? You are being hacked?
Problem, investigator? Tralolololol.