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Messages - Sir

Pages: [1]
* ande is giggling  ;D
Even as "stupid" in terms of anonyminity the idea is, imagining the investigator(s) getting to the last hop and then it jumps back to the first machine is price less.

Sir and 57 other people like this.

That's the whole point. You leave yourself open so you are "hacked"  ;D If other hackers want to use the shell and hack you for real then they can. It will be even more plausible. This idea isn't really about being anonymous. It's about plausible deniability, I guess.  :P

Ehhhh Here's my idea for being more anon and screwing over investigators caz am a fucking genius.

A proxy chain looks like this:
H4x0r->she11l1-> she3ll->NASA shell->random bawt

My idea is this
H4x0r->she11l1-> she3ll->NASA shell->random bawt----|///

Instead of a chain, a loop. The software would work like this: It allows your computer to be controlled and used as a shell. It will accept connections from anywhere and allow connections to anywhere using Telnet.

Use it like this: Install the software on your computer and then hack a remote bawks. Then install that software on their computer and use that shell. Keep going till you have a chain of about 5 of yours shells running your software but at the end of the chain (and here is where it gets really tricky): connect back to yourself, and use YOUR computer as the shell to attack from.

At the start of the process, you connect to a target's shell with your shell to hop through other victims back to yourself. In other words, forming a circle, and "a circle has no beginning" -- Luna Lovegood, and therefore no originator.

Now, who the fuck hacked who? Who is the hacker? You are being hacked?

Problem, investigator? Tralolololol.

General discussion / Re: Which OS?
« on: April 17, 2012, 02:36:55 PM »
Gnome 3

General discussion / Re: Which OS?
« on: April 17, 2012, 09:16:42 AM »
No, not Ubuntu -- Xubuntu. Ubuntu itself will make you want to die. Try Xubuntu, better environment.

Pages: [1]

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