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Messages - Bl@ck De@th

Pages: [1] 2
Hacking and Security / Re: Yamas Sslstrip problem.
« on: August 15, 2013, 04:31:13 AM »

please calm down Bl@ck De@th. Proxxs advice was a good one. It does no harm to know something about the platform you run those tools on. You tried to search for sslstrip on your system (find / -name If it is installed you should look for yamas configuration files and provide the right path to your sslstrip installation (don't even have a clue what yamas is but I am sure it has a configuration file.. lol). If you can't find sslstrip on your system you could simply install it to the path yamas is looking for it. If it is there and the path is correct have a look at the permissions. Maybe the user you start yamas with is not allowed to execute sslstrip. This is pretty, pretty basic linux troubleshooting. I can understand proxx's rage here. If you can't do the above on your own you are definitely missing fundamentals of linux usage and you should change that.

This is what im talking about someone that actually helps. I know im far from a pro but proxy doesn´t  have to comment if he is only gonna tell me what i dont know.
Insted direct me to a page where i can read this stuff. Not very hard


Hacking and Security / Re: Yamas Sslstrip problem.
« on: August 14, 2013, 06:45:13 AM »
Wow you are clueless.
Please study some general linux stuff before even attempting things like this.
Looking at your cookies im probably right.

this must be the worst fucking forum no help what so ever. Insted of sitting behinde
you keyboard and thinking your some fucking genius direct me

Hacking and Security / Re: Yamas Sslstrip problem.
« on: August 12, 2013, 02:01:02 AM »
Im sure but is it possible that sslstrip is not installed ?

Hacking and Security / Yamas Sslstrip problem.
« on: August 11, 2013, 10:41:29 PM »
Hello i use Yamas on backtrack 5 R3 and i have encountered a problem. I think it´s something wrong with the sslstrip. I get a message in the Password Windows that appears.

cat: /tmp/yamas.txt: No such file or directory

But before when you choose with file to output passwords to it says

sslstrip will be listening on port 8080 and outputting log in /tmp/yamas.txt
chmod: Cannot access ´/usr/share/sslstrip/': No such file or directory

Any ideas ? And yes i have tried to google it but i havent found any usefull info

Anonymity and Privacy / Re: Is BTGuard good ??
« on: May 13, 2013, 03:30:43 AM »
I've heard it's good, and I know it's legit.
But there are free vpn's out there that work fine.  I'm not gonna post a link, because last time I posted a link to something like that, it got removed, but a search for "free vpn" should come up with some stuff, although it's hard to tell what's legit and what's not.
Thanks alot =)

Anonymity and Privacy / Is BTGuard good ??
« on: May 12, 2013, 12:54:49 AM »
Hello i was on TPB yesterday and i pressed the download button and a website named

[size=78%][/size] came up. So i looked cheap and good so my question is. Does anyone have experience with this service

Is it good or is it fake.
is the servers up 24/7.
are there better VPN`s for the same price.
and if i would conduct illegal activities on this service will they report me to the police ?? Thanks.  :) [size=78%] [/size]


Why dont you like my tone ?

Hello im trying to hack/crack a wireless network it´s a cinema and a store´s security camera system. The camera system is wireless so its on a wireless router but i cant hack it because its on a -1 channel please help.

Hacking and Security / Re: Activatin LAN on vmware.
« on: April 12, 2013, 09:48:07 AM »
Your default setup for VMware should work, unless your using virtualbox? You said VMware in the first one...

Anywho, the default setup for VMware uses NAT which works just fine (tested and tried a ton of times with BTr3 by me, worked every time) you will not however be able to use any of the wireless exploit tools from within it unless you buy a USB dongle.
If its not working you might want to try re-installing it with the defaults, or at least make sure it's configured to use NAT. If the VMware machien is setup properly, then try pinging the IP of your host machine from within it, see what happens. It could be that your /etc/hosts is misconfigured (though id rate this as least likely)

Above all else, make sure it's VMware and not VB (virtualbox). Everytime i do an install on VB the networking NEVER works, after the last time i spent 2 weeks on it and getting nowhere i swapped to VMware and havent had a problem since. Which sucks cause i don't support the companies philosphy as much (pay for our stuff, except our minimal VMware player) as i do VirtualBox (free to use, period) but it works a helluva lot better  :'(

Hacking and Security / Re: Activatin LAN on vmware.
« on: April 11, 2013, 11:44:38 PM »
First off ^^ is not me.
Second off, dudes got it right. We need much more specific details than what you gave us, what are your current settings and what seems to be the problem? Do you have any internet access at all? Or is it just failing when your trying to use aircrack-ng(just an assumption here, please say im right lol)

Give some more details and we'll do what we can to help

@RBA and snayler, i feel like he posted a welcome thread ages ago...just not very active? CBA to check his profile though, so i could be wrong (sure as hell wouldn't be the first time ^_^ )
Im using windows 7 and im trying to get LAN to work in Backtrack 5 r3. My question was can i get LAN to work with backtrack i'm sorry i didn't explain better. Thanks =)

Hacking and Security / Activatin LAN on vmware.
« on: April 10, 2013, 03:10:57 PM »
Do i have to have a wierless usb card to get internet to work in vmware ? i want to use LAN plzz help !!


well if your Swedish the address to the police is
Bergsgatan 48 , Stockholm
Thanks but how would that help me ? i need th IP ?

You need to open your DOS program. Start->All Programs-> Accessorys-> Command Line

Then type in this little black box, "ping" without the quotes.

This is on your computer though. If they have your cell phone you can be assured they have your PC too.
Thanks for the fast answer but i just realized something im from sweden is there a way to find the police adress ??  :)

This is a easy one. Basically, you have to ping the cyber police IP address, and based on the time it takes for the answer to be received, you'll know if they're spying on you. The cyber police IP address is, and if the ping takes more than 1ms, you're OK. However, if the ping takes less than 1ms, then you're pretty much fucked.
Thanks for the answer how do i ping it ? im kind of a noob when it comes to cell phones.  :)

Android / How do i know if the police has put spyware on my phone ?
« on: March 17, 2013, 12:31:51 AM »
Hello im am wondering how do i know if the cops is spying on me ?? Thanks  :)

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