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General discussion / Re: IP Address
« on: April 02, 2012, 09:05:37 PM »
I think the commands you are using only change the mac for that session, if you reboot it will be your ordinary mac again.

Here's a link which discusses your options.

Anonymity and Privacy / Re: metaspolit anonymous
« on: April 02, 2012, 08:39:22 PM »

In firefox also change this setting "network.proxy.socks_remote_dns" in "about:config" to yes

and make sure to use socks 4a or 5 as otherwise your dns queries will be resolved locally therefore leaving evidence.

General discussion / Re: IP Address
« on: April 01, 2012, 08:04:09 PM »
perhaps :)

Its not illegal to ask your isp to change your ip, just call and talk to them about it and find out how it works.

 But certainly if changing the mac was going to work you would have to change the mac on the device that gets assigned the public ip address eg. "your modem" rather than your comp which likely gets its ip from your router.

General discussion / Re: IP Address
« on: April 01, 2012, 07:48:42 PM »
sure that'll work just add a "ifconfig eth0 up" at the end, and then the mac on your system will be changed.... won't do fuk all to the mac on your modem though.

Anonymity and Privacy / Re: Tor project
« on: April 01, 2012, 07:29:31 PM »
Not sure what its like were you guys are, but where i stay legislation dictates that it is the account holder who is legally liable for activities such as illegal downloads, therefore no amount of mac address changing fixes that.
If they get served a notice and the activity is associated with an ip allocated to "xxx"account "xxx"is toast.
I've never found an isp that requires government issued id to open an account.

Of interest is that isp's are allowed to have copyright material etc stored in there cache's legally. So if you can keep your transactions isolated to just you n your isp your sweet.... which probably extends to the caches of other isp's linked to your isp through a local peering exchange.

Its certainly not the isp's you need to worry about its the owners of copyright materials, owners of hacked sites, and governmental organisations. (country dependent of course, as reporting requirements will vary by country)

General discussion / Re: IP Address
« on: April 01, 2012, 10:32:55 AM »
You say you have an "internal ip" which suggests an ip assigned by a router on an internal network. Changing this ip will have zero effect on your external ip assigned by your isp.

Which you obviously know.....

So assuming your router is also your modem, and rebooting it hasn't worked.

Have you tried calling your isp and talking to them? tech guys are the same everywhere I'm sure if you get the right guy he'll happily discuss there systems and how they can be manipulated into assigning a new ip.

In order for the mac address trick to work (assuming your isp is setup this way) you'd have to use a different modem or hack the mac address on your modem.... an easy way around would just be having 2 modems, pre-configured with your isp credentials and internal network crap, then switch as required.

lol bloody mish installing a new os just to change mac... you know you can use "madmacs" on windows for mac changin.

Gamerzplanet is definately a hacking site specifically game hacking, And game hacking is one of the best ways to learn to hack imo.... they also have some very talented people.

Gamerzplanet I think deserves a mention, as does the Cheatengine forums

Anonymity and Privacy / Re: Proxy question
« on: March 31, 2012, 08:50:59 PM »
Privoxy is a powerful tool that serves many purposes other than just changing your user string. I personally use it because of the extent to which i can shape what i transceive.
It is a tool like any other, you gotta understand it's uses and judge for yourself if you require it.
The docmentation is excellent if not boring and time consuming...

If your only fussed about the useragent then there are easier ways....

Not sure about the requirements for accessing hidden services I have no need...

Anonymity and Privacy / Re: Proxy question
« on: March 31, 2012, 07:30:36 PM »
Polipo- is a caching proxy this is used to increase speed through caching.

Privoxy- is not a caching proxy. It utilizes customisable filters, to increase your privacy while browsing. ie: change your User Agent String (important to have this changed as it leaks information about your os, and browser type), block adds, changes referrer info, force's browser to do a http post rather than get request.

Tor- is a socks chaining service which obfusicates your ip via routing your request through a chain of user owned/operated relay's...
Tor's weakness are:
   - unless you also set up a vpn your traffic can be sniffed by the exit (last relay in the chain)
   - you are trusting that each relay in your circuit is not keeping logs
   - due to the limited amount of relay's (around 2k) it is possible for a single organisation to operate sufficient relay's that you could have a circuit consisting solely of that organisation's relay's therefore compromising your secuity
   - torrents are blocked
   - has high latency

So to answer your question yes it is a good idea to use privoxy with tor... no you don't need polipo and yes you still need to use privoxy with the tor browser bundle.

Tor should not be used for hacking and illegal activites that can land you jail time it is simply not secure enough to trust your freedom to.
Tor is suitable to use for things like researching topics such as..... compounds & substances, things that go boooom, visiting hacking forums, etc and preventing your traffic from being sniffed at a public hotspot.

You of course should be running "No Scripts", and "Https Everywhere". No scripts has the aility to act like Https Everywhere, however Https Everywhere is updated with rules, No Scripts you have to do that manually.
If you choose not to use the browser supplied in the browser bundle you can use mm3-proxyswitch to put a button on your toolbar for switching between the 2, however make sure you have your browser setup in a way it cannot be dupped into giving your ip, hence defeating the purpose.

Hacking and Security / Re: First Step ?
« on: March 30, 2012, 06:02:58 PM »
Some hacking tricks and methods don't necessitate any prior knowledge in programming. But for making tools you need to be very knowledgeable in programming, not the kind of knowledge that you can get in hours or days 

Just a tip for you..

I have first hand experience at getting into "Hacking" (hate that word) in the way Axon and others in some other post i read and cant find have eluded to....

which effectively amounted to:

Just pursue your interests

For me it really started with breaking my mums computer through stupid shit like
 - removing all file permissions on all files.....result = broken (pre xp days)
 - deleteing all the files in the registry.... result = broken 
 - enabling all security poilicies and locking myself out of the comp..  result = locked out
Then I'd always have to read my arse off to try n fix it before she got home......

I'd always at the minimum understand the problem i had caused even if most of the time fixing it without a format/reinstall was beyond my skill set.

and i always broke it pursueing stuff i was interested in
just exploring the computer wondering what shit was for, wondering how to do shit, and just poking around.

-bat scripts to automate crap....
-VB macros in excell....

Nothing ever origional bit of code here bit of code there (copy paste copy paste) hours reading n staring at shit i have no idea how to make do what i want..... getting frustrated, giving up, trying a different angle...... again... and again.. and again

I guess the first "Cool" "Hacking" was:
A mmorpg called "DarkEden" (origional int server) and Gamerzplanet

learned about Packet Editing - WPE (Windows packet Editor)
Learned about Memory Editing/Injecting - CheatEngine
Learned to make my first (game)Macros/Scripts - AutoHotKey
Gained a Basic understanding of hex editing and assembly


and then fast forward another 7 years and here i am still pursueing my interests still i cant program but i have a far deeper and broader understanding of computer systems as a whole. (which of course only serves to remind me of how much i don't know :))

The scripts i write are a little better and i have a pretty good idea of whats possible and how to go about it....

and only now am i really finding not knowng a programming language Well is my main bottle neck....

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