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Messages - daddylonglegs

Pages: [1]
thanks for responding. im not sure what model router it is, as it is not visible to me. but, i can connect to it and run a command prompt ipconfig and get the default gateway/ip and attempt to connect to it and access the config page. But when i punch the ip in the address bar it loads and will popup with a "connection reset" page... no allowing me to connect to its config.

Hacking and Security / Re: AV discussion
« on: March 27, 2012, 05:31:56 AM »
in my opinion, kaspersky is good. avast is great. and unless you have the full version of malwarebytes, its just a tool for removal after infection. none will absolutely prevent infections tho. just dont open silly emails and go to silly places on the internet and you're probably best off with avast as a AV  ;)

hey all! as the title brings out, every time i try to access the routers config (user name: xxxx password:xxxx) page it "resets" the connection. i'm guessing that it has something to do with a security feature built into the router itself to disallow logins from untrusted addresses or whatnot. any idea how i can get through to the config page without resetting the router. this is a wireless connection. ive done a ton of research on this. but nothing found. simply put, ive been presented a challenge and i would like to learn how to overcome this obstacle for future reference. thanks!!

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