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Messages - dataspy

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General discussion / Re: What book are you reading? [Mine]
« on: May 21, 2012, 10:18:19 AM »
My latest interest is mycology so for the past couple of weeks I've been reading:

Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms

I have everything I need to start growing shiitake mushrooms except the mushroom spores (which I'll be ordering soon) and sawdust which my cousin told me he could get me (he's a construction worker).

Web Oriented Coding / Re: [PHP] Admin Login without DB
« on: April 30, 2012, 12:09:22 AM »

I noticed my name was showing but it got busy at work so it took me a while to change the screenshot :)

I have a couple things I still want to change, I was thinking about limiting login attempts but haven't added that yet :)

Web Oriented Coding / [PHP] Admin Login without DB
« on: April 29, 2012, 10:49:08 PM »
A simple login script that doesn’t use flat files or a database. This script will protect multiple pages with multiple users. Sessions are used so you won’t have to relogin if you leave the page, the session times out after 10 minutes.  The usernames and passwords are stored in two seperate arrays, one for users and one for passwords in the config.php file. There is a small security flaw that someone could mix and match usernames and passwords.

Demo @
Screenshot @
Download @

General discussion / Re: I want to start the Website
« on: April 27, 2012, 10:26:43 PM »
If you're not good at design just do slogans or make stickers like "The software said windows xp or better so I installed Linux".  The reason I never setup a website is because it'll probably take a little bit of upfront money to out source tshirt manufacturing and I kinda get bored easily.  I go to an anime convention almost every year (I'm a hardcore anime geek) and I see tshirt vendors making a killing, seriously $22 for a shirt, they probably cost $5.  I think the biggest problem is finding a place to manufacture the shirts with the designs/logos you have to be business savy for that crap :(

I think the smartest people are the ones that get the customer to design stuff and make money off the customers designs like

General discussion / Re: I want to start the Website
« on: April 27, 2012, 09:38:26 PM »

your idea about tshirts is awesome, but i have no sources to produce or design such tshirts :p

Just design the website to gain experience designing ecommerce sites, another thing I would recommend is going to and look at some of the job postings for php/mysql/ajax and pick out random jobs and design them, check out the job postings there will also give you ideas for sites to design as well.  Once you become confident with web dev start doing some freelance work off of, that's what I plan on doing.  I'm taking a 5 month vacation this winter and all I'm going to do is study php/mysql/js/web design like a crazy person, then I'll hopefully be able to start programming for money, that's my hope at least.

General discussion / Re: I want to start the Website
« on: April 27, 2012, 07:59:51 PM »
I like Axon's idea, porn rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have a couple websites I want to start but haven't since I'm lazy, one of them is going to be a user submited recipe site for alcoholic beverages like beer and wine :)  I just ordered my beer making kit so I'll be starting that in a couple months.

You should try and think of a website that might make some money like a tshirt website, tshirts are huge on the internet, try to make a copy of or

Web Oriented Coding / Re: [SQLite 3] Relational Databases??
« on: April 22, 2012, 05:36:41 AM »
I don't know python but try using one insert instead of two for person.  Also why do you have have person_id in the person table when you can use the id of that table

Insert pet info first, then get the pet id of that insert then insert person info with one insert, you don't need two person id fields.

Code: [Select]
INSERT INTO pet (id, name, breed, age, dead) VALUES (0, "Fluffy", "Unicorn", 1000, 0);
get id of pet insert and assign var
$pet_id = id
INSERT INTO person(id, first_name, last_name, age) VALUES(0, "Zed", "Shaw", 37, '$pet_id');

General discussion / Re: IRC POLL for the new ones
« on: April 21, 2012, 12:38:06 AM »
I was just joking :) 

I was an IRC junkie back in 1999 I kinda grew out of it, I don't even remember the channels I use to frequent but it was never boring since there were as least a couple hundred people in them. 

I use to port scan large channels (1500-3000 users) for trojans (mostly subseven) and whoever was infected I'd message them, let them know they were infected and usually remove the trojan for them :)

I was pretty new to computers back then so I still used windows, I used mIRC as my IRC client with the polaris add on to run file servers and stuff.

General discussion / Re: best Programming/technical quotes
« on: April 20, 2012, 03:40:33 PM »
It's not a bug, it's an undocumented feature.

“C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot; C++ makes it harder, but when you do, it blows away your whole leg”. -Bjarne Stroustrup

“There are two major products that come out of Berkeley: LSD and UNIX. We don’t believe this to be a coincidence.” – Jeremy S. Anderson

How many computer programmers does it take to change a light bulb?
None, that is a hardware problem!

Given enough time, I can meet any software deadline.

General discussion / Re: IRC POLL for the new ones
« on: April 20, 2012, 03:30:43 PM »
I went on there for 1 minute and no one was talking so I left :P

Tutorials / Re: How to Brute Force Subdomains with dnsmap
« on: April 20, 2012, 01:44:49 AM »
Thanks :)

dnsmap is a subdomain bruteforcer, it does a dictionary attack of subdomains against a domain and reports the subdomains found. 

Say the domain is

example of subdomains found (this isn't real just an example)

Web Oriented Coding / Re: Webcam panel
« on: April 19, 2012, 11:04:10 PM »
I read a while ago about a Adobe Flash exploit that allowed you to use the web cam without user permission but it was closed fast!

try googling web cam exploits :)

That's awesome!!!  You're trojan is becoming better and better, keep up the great work!!!!

Tutorials / How to Brute Force Subdomains with dnsmap
« on: April 18, 2012, 09:04:54 PM »
Post on my blog @

I know this is a simple tutorial, don't make fun of me :P

This tutorial will cover how to use dnsmap to brute force subdomains of a specific domain.  dnsmap is mainly meant to be used by pentesters during the information gathering/enumeration phase of infrastructure security assessments.

First things first, you're going to want to download dnsmap which is at

After you've downloaded the source code now would be the time to add any extra subdomains you'd like to search for, you can do that by editing the dnsmap.h file, you'd want to add the subdomains after // buil-in list of subdomains comment, it's a long list you can't miss it :) !

If you're done editing the dnsmap.h file or don't want to add any extra subdomains the next step would be to compile the source, you can do this by opening your terminal, changing to the directory of the source, and compiling it.

Code: [Select]
cd dnsmap-0.30/
Code: [Select]
gcc dnsmap.c -o dnsmap
Once you've compiled the source you can run dnsmap by typing ./dnsmap and then the domain you want to scan into your terminal, make sure to exclude the www.

Code: [Select]
This was tested on Ubuntu 10.04

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