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Messages - Elder

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General discussion / Re: Removing content from google
« on: March 03, 2012, 09:29:48 PM »
haha...thanks atsuktuvas..very helpful info's.
and thank u ande for d subject creation lessons!...I will surely take note!

General discussion / Removing content from google
« on: March 03, 2012, 07:57:40 PM »
New to the forum!...and have a question hoping som1 can help..
Is it possible for me to change how information about me appears on google?..(I got in some police trouble for driving with an international liscence and the case is still in court but its taking forever..but my mug shot already appears as soon as my name is typed on google on some stupid there anything i can do to get rid of that info or at least move it to the 2nd search page)...I really need some help here please and i know i can get it here...thanks!..(Sorry if this is too long)

Pages: [1]

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