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Messages - kat

Pages: [1]
Science / Re: 1 = 2
« on: January 18, 2014, 12:08:46 PM »
You are dividing with 0 from the third line to the fourth. Since m=n => m-n=0.

Science / LaTeX minimal
« on: June 01, 2013, 02:41:19 PM »

                                               LaTeX MINIMAL

Information gathered by kat for Evilzone.

In the scientific world you will probably come across LaTeX sooner or later. I haven't used it for a long time, but the other day I had to write a paper and I found out that I still remember something about it. So I decied to write this paper for you. I still don't think it's good enough, but I guess It will never be. Maybe it is out of place, maybe somebody will find it usefull.

      1.   About
     2.   Install
     3.   Syntax
     4.   Examples

      1.   About

Taken from Tobi Oetikers' The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX:
“LATEX is a typesetting system that is very suitable for producing scientific and mathematical documents of high typographical quality. It is also suitable for producing all sorts of other documents, from simple letters to complete books. LATEX uses TEX as its formatting engine.”

      2.   Install

Linux – Tex Live
OSX – MacTeX
Windows - proTeXt

How to install depends obviously on the OS, you can follow the links for instructions. These distributions are mostly free software. One can also write .tex documents in text editors such as emacs, vim…Vim manual
One can also implement LaTeX on webpages using MathJax, an open source JavaScript display engine, or use any other solution.

      3.   Syntax

           3.1.   Basics

The LaTeX commands begin with a backslash. Example: \title \alpha
The text of the command goes in curly brackets.
Example: \frac{123}{33} =>123/33
Options go in square brackets. Example: \documentclass[12pt]{amsart}
The curly braces are also used to restrict the scope of a command.
Example: \textbf{Calculate} => only the word Calculate gets bolded.
% is used for comments.

            3.2.   The structure

The next 3 lines are necessary in a .tex document :
     Preamble goes here.
     Your text goes here.

            3.3.   The Preamble

The documentclass can be book, article, report or extra one you have downloaded.
Then one should include some extensions like amssymb or amsmath for using mathematical symbols:

\usepackage{amssymb, amsmath}

Analogly you add any package you need. For writing in my language I have to include:


For code snippets one needs:


Then one defines the layout. For example:


            3.4.   The Body

The body starts with \begin{document} and ends with \end{document}.
To define the vertical spacing between lines one uses \vspace{1cm} and for horizontal spacing \hspace{1cm}. In curly braces one defines the details.
Probably one needs to add a title:

\title{\textbf{LaTeX minimal}}

After the title goes the table of contents:


Then the sections:


One can add labels to sections, so can refer to them later like:

If one needs to enumerate items:

\item Aleph-naught
\item Aleph-one

In the end there is usually some bibliography:

The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX
A quick guide to LaTeX

Remove page numbering with:


As for writing symbols and equations I suggest using, Wikipedia or any other manual.

Some basic expressions:

\cdot => multiply
\sqrt{} => sqare root
\frac{}{} => fraction
^{} => superscript
_{} => subscript
\begin{matrix}  \end{matrix} => matrix
\overline{} => overline
\int => integral

Example: \(1,2\cdot\frac{15}{4}-0,\!\overline{2}\cdot(\frac{1}{3})^{-2}\)

      4.   Examples

Evilzone equation made in LaTeX would look something like this:




            \centering \fontsize{20pt}{80pt}\selectfont

The output .pdf is attached.
More examples can be found on or else.

A quick guide to LaTeX
The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX

Somebody was talking about darkc0de. Found this some time ago:

News and Announcements / Re: EvilZine issue 1; 2013.04.05
« on: April 11, 2013, 04:25:53 PM »
Read it only yesterday and I just have to comment:
Great job. You guys and gals are AMAZING! Awsome texts, design and stuff:)
 /*would give you all +1 if I could:P*/

Found it on the Webs / Re: Learn C++
« on: January 08, 2013, 05:25:02 PM »
Mr. Perfect, maybe you will find something usefull here?

Science / Re: Math problem rational inecuations
« on: March 03, 2012, 12:40:41 PM »
Deque already solved the problem. You should plot the function and you see the answer is (-infinite,-1) and (0,1). The roots are not in the field of real numbers, but complex (-1+-isquare7)/-4. The poles are 0, 1 and -1. I ploted the function on my mobile phone for you:)

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