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Messages - asdqwezxc1

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Hacking and Security / Re: First Step ?
« on: March 02, 2012, 03:37:43 AM »
Thanks for helping me so much for understands all what I needed to know!

@ande, i say HLA but i mean ASM.

About my diploma, what am I going to do about it ? Is it a bad idea that I learn both at the same time but will messed up my way of coding or after my diploma end then i take on learning python but would it be a waste .. ?

what do you guys think ? I read on some forum discussion they say that python and java is somewhat the same in coding.

Hacking and Security / Re: First Step ?
« on: March 01, 2012, 01:54:28 PM »
@andre, thanks alot.

My plan is to learn python for base language then going into C++ to try to make/create hacks/trainers for games like maplestory and stuff. Then after going into HLA for cracking software and games. I know it will take years for me to learn all of this but i'm willing to spend my time learning.

What do you think of this plan for me ? Python > C++ > VC++ > HLA > Reverse Engineering.

And i'll be learning Java soon about next week since i'm taking up infocomm for my diploma will it mess up my head since i'm learning python on my own interest ? Because i was thinking i could take Java > C++ but it seems like it will be a harder way to learn C++ then learning python first. What do you guys think ?

Hacking and Security / Re: First Step ?
« on: March 01, 2012, 02:51:50 AM »
So you guys Suggest me to take on Python then to C++ for making hacks for games. Then is it a bad idea to learn C after working with Python/C++ for years/months ?

Btw how do peopl crack softwares and games ? How do they actually do that and using which language is preffered ?

And just curios whats the difference between Microsoft Visual C++ and C++ ?

Hacking and Security / Re: First Step ?
« on: February 29, 2012, 05:41:09 PM »
@Axeon, Thanks bro.

Then what do you think ? Should work on C first then going to C++ or should i do C++ first then going to C. I'm asking for advice right now so that i could start tomorrow on studying programming.

Hacking and Security / Re: First Step ?
« on: February 29, 2012, 04:07:00 PM »
So what do you suggest for me to go for if i'm going for this kind of tools ?

Hacking and Security / First Step ?
« on: February 29, 2012, 02:56:52 PM »
I have been reading alot on this forum, i'm new to hacking but I do know i have to learn my programming first. But the thing is there are many arguement between C, C++ or Perl. Which or what to start with is better.

After all the research i did on google, i find that the one popular among peoples are C and Perl. But i do not know which to learn first if it's for me to go into programming.

I'm planning to do hacks for games such as trainer's and bots. What do you guys suggest me on learning and after that what's the next step should i take ?

Pages: [1]

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